When Is It Porno?
Grace and peace, Saints.
Today I was cleaning out my children’s rooms and going through their papers to decide what to keep and what to throw away, when I came across something disgusting. There was a piece of paper with my middle daughter’s name on it under it. Under the heading, “Veraenderung in der Pubertaet” or “Changes in Puberty,” was a diagram of a fully nude man and woman.
Below is the PG version of the diagram:
Click here for the “rest of the story.”
Now I ask you: isn’t that pornography? You better believe it is! And my daughter was around eleven or twelve when she saw this. Can there be any question why pornography is such a huge problem?
I didn’t know they were putting this type of thing in school textbooks. But I should have known. Back in 2007, my youngest daughter checked out a book from the library. As usual, I went through the book before allowing her to read it. Do you know what was in it? The same type of pictures as above.
But this book didn’t just stop there. It actually suggested that little boys and girls get to know their bodies by touching themselves and handling their genitals. It showed a picture of a little girl in the shower, and said that children should not be afraid of finding out what makes them feel good. I had written down the name of the book and scanned the cover and relevant pages, but I have since misplaced them.
Now, I’m in Germany. And most people know that Europeans pride themselves on being sexually liberated and uninhibited. So, this sort of thing is par for the course. But, is this going on in American schools? If it is, you had better know about it. This is sex education. They are teaching our children things way before they are able to handle them. And they are not doing it in a biblical context. This is spiritual arsenic.
By the way, if your son or daughter is into comic books (called “graphic novels” now), you might want to take a look at one of his or her comics every now and again. About five years ago I worked at a public library in St. Louis. One of my colleagues, who appeared to be in his late 20’s or early 30’s, was really into comic books. I asked him if I could check one of his out, and was amazed at the incredibly revealing costumes the female super heroes were wearing. Besides that, two of the male super heroes were discussing the fact that one of them had a homosexual affair with one of his fellow super heroes!
This is why, as parents, we need to constantly pray for our children, interceding for them and praying that God will shield their hearts and minds from the influence of ungodly teachers and textbooks. They are destroying our children’s innocence.
May their end be in accordance with their works.
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
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