
Bipolar. Schizophrenia. Six of One Half Dozen of the Next. — 160 Comments

  1. Says someone who doesn’t even have bi polar??? Get out of here. I’m diagnosed bi polar but I don’t believe that, I do believe that I am different from others, “normal” people. I’m also one of the sweetest, most loving, generous, compassionate, strong willed, VERY SPRIRTUAL, people you’d ever meet. And I often wonder if others diagnosed are as EXTEMELY big hearted, kind people, but yet were labeled as the most angry…. I’ve been told numerous times things about me glowing, or that People can feel good vibes coming from me, that I just light them up, complete stranger pumping gas next to me stopped me and told me that he could see the lord shining through me, AND GUESS WHAT THEY HAVE NO EARTHLY CLUE I AM BI POLAR AND WHAT MY OWN MIND IS CAPABLE OF DOING, THAT IM SOME FREAK WHO NEEDS TO GET RIGHT WITH THE LORD??? LOLOLOLOL. I was raised in a very Christian and God fearing family. I pray everyday I wake up and go to sleep, the lord is the only thing that keeps me going and having faith. That has kept me from pulling the trigger so many times…. I do believe that our doctors and pharmacys are crooked, but I don’t know how in the world you think you could say , from a far distance from the illness, that we are not right with the lord, or lost spiritually, I actually think the problem sometimes is being TO spiritual and to good hearted and feeling and seeing things differently and more deeply than what YOU and people without the disorder do, which makes us obviously hurt deeper, and think a lot harsher things than you. The mind is a scary and amazing place, and you’ve never been outside of your own simple mind so don’t speak on other peoples. 🙂 especially when you bring the lord into it.

  2. Stillman is correct……the world is blind and many sins have been covered up and we don’t even realize as christians that we are committing them……you can bat it and beat it around a bush but on solid fact is the bible and it does speak of curses sooooo if you say you love god then you cannot deni the fact of what the bible says.

    • This is a reply to all those claiming this is demonic. You know the Church back in the Middle Ages all the way up to the 1700 and 1800’s considered people with this disorder witches or demon possessed and several were killed for it. You seem to have the same line of thoughts. They don’t know exactly what causes cancer but that does not mean it is a demon. All of this claiming this is demonic make a very sad example of Christians who are ignorant and look for the devil under every rock. I can’t see how you are helping anyone and this comes from a Christian who has had to deal with a great deal of mental illness with family members. You all are feeding yourself milk as babies as you can not handle spiritual meat. The boogie man is not causing this mental illness.

      • When you say “Church,” to which church are you referring? The church of Jesus Christ: that is, the true Christian Church, never killed anyone. Both those who are ignorant and those who look for the devil under every rock are already sad examples of Christianity, as Christians are neither ignorant nor look for someone who is standing right next to him. Neither, therefore, would be so enlightened as to claim that bipolar disorder is demonic. And, just because you “can’t see” anyone being helped by this information, doesn’t mean that no one is being helped by this information: it merely means that you “can’t see” it. People who can’t see are generally referred to as blind; so your very words have revealed your own blindness and ignorance, as you wrest the Scriptures to your own destruction.


    My daughter suffers from this thing called ” bipolar” it is demonic , my beautiful sweet loved child turns to into a evil demon, NO ONE will understand until they witness how terrible this thing is ! I believe in God I accept Jesus into my heart and soul but I pray daily to help me to help her. It is like living with the devil, we all walk on eggshells , some days I hate my own life because she is in it. I pray to Jesus to help not to hate her! I love her because I am her mother but I hate this illness. We have tried pills, hospitals, councilors IT DOES NOT WORK. After ready all of this I am just going to pray that Jesus help me to help her find him! I am honestly at my wits end and have come across your page , I feel at peace ! She does not believe in anything , she reminds me of the girl on the exorcist when she is raging berating me like the devil himself. She spits her words and the fire in her eyes reeks evil! I do not know what I did to deserve this in my life but I am praying to Jesus tonight because I need help. Please find it in your heart to pray for me too!

    • I will be praying for you Jeannie. I know full well what you are going through, as I have gone through this very thing. Yes, bipolar is demonic! What gives it away is the fact that the things bipolar people say and do when they have an episode are all sin. Even their thought life is corrupted. There was a time when we would consider such behavior a red flag that someone needed spiritual help, but because we have become such a sinful society and have been programmed by the media to view sin as normal, this is no longer true. The psychological profession has also played a role in this, as few psychologists and psychiatrists are Christians and therefore believe in Satan and the demonic. Only someone whose moral compass is intact and functioning properly will see Satan at work in bipolar disorder.

      I will pray that the Lord Jesus will help you to be patient and keep loving on your daughter while she is dealing with this. I know from experience that the hardest thing about living with someone with bipolar is continuing to love them in spite of their illness. It’s hard. You should also remember that because you are a believer, Satan can always use your daughter’s illness as a way to persecute you.

      But don’t despair. Jesus says in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that He will not put more on us than we can bear, but will always “make a way for us to escape.” Just when you think you are at your wit’s end, he will unravel a couple of yards more of wit. When you think you can’t take it anymore, Jesus will give you a shot of patience and a heaping helping of love. So be strong; you will get through this. And as long as you keep loving on your daughter and praying for her, your daughter will too. I will also pray that the Lord Jesus will soften your daughter’s heart and help you to lead her to Him so that He can set her free. And please say a prayer for me and my family. God bless you.


      • TSM,

        Some of the people writing only know the text book definition of Bipolar NOT what its like to live with someone who has it, I dont even want to call it an illness because I do not believe there is a medical cure. What people dont understand is stated in your first blog. I take my daughter to drs, they spend 10 minutes IF THAT pass of prescription after prescription, its just a legal way of being a drug dealer. Then that Dr will say go see this doctor and that doctor will recommend another. My daughter does not do drugs , I was a good mother to her, I do not do drugs. In the past month they have found ” group” therapy for her , I walked into a group with her to find 25 addicts who are court ordered to be there , WHY in the name of GOD would I send a 20 year old sober person to a group where people are battling drug addiction , she is vulnerable , weak and I fear she will meet that one wrong person who will tempt her with drugs and she will fall pray to that. I struggle daily with my life , my mom had 5 strokes, I refuse to let her go to a nursing home so I take care of her daily , I dont have much of a life of my own because between the two of them it can be somewhat overwhelming. BUT I never feel depressed , people ask me all the time why aren’t you depressed and YOU gave me my answer… I know God / Jesus is with me , there has to be a purpose to my life like this but I do have to ask Jesus to stand with me because it is some days more then what I feel like I can handle. I will pray for you and your family and Thank you for being here to listen …

        • You are very welcome, Jennie. The testimony of the family and loved ones of someone suffering from bipolar disorder will always be quite different from the person’s own testimony or that of the mental health professionals. I’m so proud of you for sacrificing your own life to take care of your daughter and mom, like a dutiful mom and daughter should do. I’m in a similar situation myself, so I can relate.

          I truly believe that Jesus appreciates people who make such sacrifices, because that’s what He did for us. And He will be with us every step of the way. I’m a witness! You know Jeannie, I believe that the true measure of a parent is not how “good” we are, but how hard we try, and how willing we are to make sacrifices for our children. Under the circumstances, I think you are doing an outstanding job of being both a mother and a daughter. Be encouraged!

          Your servant in Christ Jesus,

          • Thank you Jennie for sharing your story with all of us that really touched me and I will be praying for you and your daughter because our God is ABLE and he is a HEALER. You will be on my mind probably for the rest of the night because i felt your pain and i can relate but i just want to tell you to continue to be a prayer warrior for your daughter, she is going to need a praying mother on her side. God bless you
            Your sister in Christ

        • Thank you Jennie for sharing your story with all of us that really touched me and I will be praying for you and your daughter because our God is ABLE and he is a HEALER. You will be on my mind probably for the rest of the night because i felt your pain and i can relate but i just want to tell you to continue to be a prayer warrior for your daughter, she is going to need a praying mother on her side. God bless you
          Your sister in Christ

  4. My mom has bi-polar for years since 1992 and I just thought that’s what it was. But when I decided to live with her again in 2004. It came back. But this time I realize it wasn’t bi-polar it was demon possession. A couple of times she said she will kill me and take me to Jesus herself. Sometimes she would bark like a dog. They would give her medicine. And she would just sleep, like a sedated state. One time she put a penny next to a Jesus picture we had hanging on the door frame of the entrance of the front door. The house we were living in after a while became haunted with demons, for whatever reason. I was getting scratched, I would hear witches laugh, a baby laughing. Things falling off the wall,flashes of light at night time. I could keep them at bay by praying,and reading the bible and playing gospel music real loud. But for some reason it kept attacking my mom, because I guess it didn’t have the same effect on me. This was the time in my life where I was closest to the Lord I have ever been. I have many more examples but im convinced in my mind bipolar is a form of demon possession. She lives with her sister now and she is doing better. She goes to church, I think its a generational curse as well. The reason I said that. I almost drowned when I was 4. My sister died at 22, my brother died at 13. I guess only God knows for sure. Hope this helps. God Bless (=

    • Thanks, Zam. While I agree that bipolar disorder is demonic, I don’t know if I would say that it is demon possession. Possessed people have been diagnosed bipolar, but not all bipolar people have been possessed. Former witch turned Christian, John Todd, who admitted to having been possessed before he got saved, said that the difference between obsession and possession is that a possessed person does not do a thing without the demon driving him and the demon drives him 24 hours a day. An obsessed person, on the other hand, is at times in control. I would agree with you, then, that bipolar may be “a form of” demon possession, but not full-blown possession. Think about King Saul, who the Bible says was plagued by a demon that would possess him for a time, leave, then come back later. As you say, only God knows for sure.


  5. My name is Tim, and couldn’t help but interject. I am now 59 years old, and have been a Christian all my life since I can remember at the age of 3 years old. And at 14, I personally received Christ in a formal way acknowledging my faith publically and truly being born again.

    I experienced my first episode of mania at age 19, and without going into detail was a horrific experiencing and then concluding I didn’t have enough biblical knowledge. At age 23 I decided to go to Bible college for a year, and believed that knowledge would be the grounding I needed, because I felt it was a spiritual oppression that caused my bipolar episode not a physical one.

    Well behold a few weeks before graduating studying only the bible 16 hours a week of formal fundamental class teaching, I again received a horrendous episode of mania destroying my belief it was spiritual not physical.

    With that said, looking back with much thought and prayer, I am convinced the Lord had shown me that it is truly a physical condition not a spiritual condition that has caused my episodes, and since then, I have struggled with hypomania causing much damage in life regarding finances, business ventures and relationships believing or denying I had a physical disability.

    The Lord when in bible college was telling me through experience that it was not spiritual but physical, but due to my denial as a alcoholic denies his addiction. The Lord simply walked with me through my denial all those decades in life.

    I practiced Cognitive therapy on my own which helped strengthen my outward efforts, but however it turns out it was a camouflage or a bandaid over the cause which is physical disorder.

    In conclusion of this matter its simple..The Lord showed me that all humanity has some kind of weakness or failure, but its how we deal with those disabilities that God deals with us.

    So, its a matter of acceptance and allowing the Lord to work with us to the day we die. I believe the Lord showed me more now that I am out of denial..He spoke to my heart and asked what would I trade my infirmity for? Would I rather be blind, deaf, or born with cerebral palsy? and so forth..

    Each of us as Christians carry a cross we did not ask for, but its a matter of how we carry that cross that God is glorified or grieved.. Denial is the worst way of carrying the cross which I did for decades literally blind to actually believe I had a mental illness and He was gracious to show me at a very young age in bible college of all things to get me to a place of acceptance not denial.

    But because I chose denial I bared the consequences of life changing poor decisions due to hidden hypomania episodes I chalked up to high energy versus mental dysfunction.

    The Lord was with me every second holding my hand while I suffered through these consequences of denial.

    Lesson is simply this..Accept your disability and honor the Lord with it..For Paul asked thrice his disability would be taken away, but the lesson to us all is this..His power is made perfect through our weakness and Paul did mighty in the name of the Lord accepting his disability versus fighting it like I did.

    So, to our loving brother who admonishes the broken minded, I would say to him, to walk with your brother versus prescribing antedotes and conclusions to very complex issues especially in the area of the mind, a final frontier.

    Accept your brother the way he or she is, and offer prayer of helping them carry their cross they were born with rather than labeling that cross as demonic. A discernment that couldn’t be more blind.

    Sir, you love the Lord, but in this area of manic depression, bipolar you are truly a blind guide and play the role of the friends in Job that had no clue but offered only abrasiveness to the things of God that was working in Job, as the things in God that work in the souls of the troubled mind, not brought about by spiritual possession, but born out of a fallen humanity one symptom of many the whole human race experiences which is simply the consequences of a sin nature.

    I only wish I had learned my lesson earlier that denial versus acceptance will produce a much more peaceful walk with the Lord. But either way He is faithful and always there assisting us in our decisions and walking with us through the poor decisions we make calling something that its not..

    Bipolar is a physical disorder, not a spiritual one.


    • Tim, I thank you for your testimony and your input. For many, the motivation for insisting that their mental illness is a physical disability is that they are receiving (or hope to receive) some sort of disability compensation. (one woman was even honest enough to confirm this.) Once, I was in the waiting room at the Veterans Administration hospital, when I met a veteran who told me that he didn’t have any mental illness, but had claimed PTSD and was being treated for it so he could get a disability check. He kept telling me how easy it was, seemingly trying to pique my interest. I smelled a rat and logged in my mind that this was probably a setup to get me to also claim PTSD. I’m not saying this is your motivation, but it is for some.

      At the end of the day, it is your right, thank God, to choose how you will proceed in life with your illness. It is impossible, however, to “honor God” with mental illness, though a person with mental illness can certainly praise God every day he makes it through. Just because someone has mental illness doesn’t mean he doesn’t love God; and just because someone has mental illness doesn’t mean God doesn’t love him. Mental illness is simply the result of unconfessed sin in our lives, generational or otherwise.

      One final thought: Satan has many in bondage through mental illness, and he wants to keep them there. One way he does this is by having people testify that God Himself has shown them that their mental illness is His will for their lives and that mental illness is one way God calls His saints to suffer. While it is possible that some truly believe this, in my experience, most don’t. Both biblical and secular history record Christians suffering in many way, some truly horrific, but mental illness was never one of those ways. The reason for this is simple: a person with mental illness is a poor witness for Jesus Christ, unless he has a testimony of how Jesus healed him from mental illness. Don’t forget that one reason Jesus heals is so that we will give Him the glory and tell others what He has done for us. That is one purpose for our testimony. Most who are suffering from mental illness, however, have no testimony of victory, and they need such a testimony.

      Your servant,

      • Hi TSM

        I appreciate your reply and would encourage our discourse not just for our conversation, but also for others who read can gain insights into our discourse.

        Let’s at least agree when alterior motives are concerned that such as disability fraud and “INTENTIONS” to deceive is off topic and obviously does not address the real issues of bipolar which I can attest to.

        TSM, after reading your reviews you it is apparent you have obvious beliefs and presumptions regarding the Christian life which I find you are in grave error.

        1. Generational Curses-This is a topic many FALSE teachers teach such as Larry Huch who I have researched and his teachings which include many false statements and beliefs.

        Generational curses are not true..I am speaking of spiritual curses not dna issues we inherit from our parents in the flesh. I can get into details of this on a later discussion if needed.

        If one is convinced spiritual generational curses exist then it becomes extremely problematic in discussing the truth of the bible because it is a presumption that is the basis of logic and conclusion.

        So, I conclude that the area of the root issue is your belief in generational curses chalking it all up to this

        3. One cannot be a good witness for Christ if they continue in mental illness. Again, another false assumption, and you limit your brothers in Christ and worse are devaluing the Christian faith and Christ Himself.

        This comes from the FALSE teaching name it claim it, and comes from the false notion that we are all healed when Christ shed His blood..

        The word of faith cult teach this such as most false prophets on TBN, which I fear you maybe a part of this brand of Christianity and thinking.

        Regardless, your views align with these false teachers who presume guilt on those who are not living their definition of the abundant life.

        My observation in closing TSM is that the real issue in this topic is not bipolar but your view of truth in how God works in the Christian life due to your notions of the name it claim it crowd.

        Lastly, anyone is a witness who are His..It is your responsibility as a Christian brother to assist the Holy Spirit in carrying the cross of that brother, not putting that Cross down which Christ is strengthening that brother to carry not discard.

        Lots of issues here bro, and its not about bipolar its more about your ignorance and I say that respectfully to your Christian view which is very unbiblical.


      • Hello TSM,

        I forget to comment on the issue you raised that mental illness is a poor witness?

        That is a very extreme biased judgment my friend. Who is anyone to say such things

        Sin in a Christians life is a poor witness but you still sin TSM. Sin is actually worse of a condition than mental illness. Because mental illness is not a sin , again it’s a condition .

        That’s the problem with you TSM. You lack knowledge and are simply ignorant of biblical facts and theology unfortunately

        I would suggest one bro to another bro that you work on your facts and knowledge base for you have become a judge if another brother because you do not have the facts and are blind

        I say this as a admonition and a rebuke to you in the Lord and suggest you repent and ask the Lord to open your eyes

        My prayer for you friend is this .. I believe you will not repent because you are full of yourself and are a blind guide hurting this area of the body of Christ

        My prayer for you is that God would humble you to a place of sober spiritual thinking and He would lay you down for a season even if it means putting you in a place where you cannot speak and have a brother in the Lord to label you as a mute and dumb man instead of showing compassion and understanding

        I am convinced this is the only prayer to put you in a place that will give you understanding not to punish you but to simply wake you up to the harm you do to another brother in the Lord simply because you are too spiritually lazy to get the facts and to spiritually blind to hear the Lords correction

        I simply rebuke you in the Lord because you speak in your own fleshly mind thinking you bring glory to God but actually bring Shame to His name


        • Hello, again, Tim.

          I understand perfectly why you would feel that I’m judging you and all those who suffer from mental illness. It’s natural, brother (and I do count you as a brother), given the stigma that has been attached to mental illness that you would be somewhat defensive. Let me say for the record, Tim, that I do not share the thoughts of those who ostracize people who suffer from mental illness. It’s only out of respect for those whom I love that I don’t go into greater detail; but, I know a great deal more about mental illness than you may believe. It is out of love for those suffering from mental illness that I tell you the truth. My beliefs in this regard, they are totally biblical, if you would go to the Bible.

          Take a moment, Tim, and think about the Lord Jesus’ ministry when He walked this earth. He’s trying to help His people to understand the error of their ways and to know that though they honor God with their lips, their hearts are far from Him. He told them that, in that state, they would not see the Kingdom of Heaven. And the authority for everything He said were the miracles He performed, which no one had ever before done in the history of the world; yet, they denied Him. Jesus told them the truth, but, being the children of the great patriarch, Abraham, they were lifted up in pride and would not listen to Him, In fact, they murdered Him for nothing more than simply speaking the truth.

          I’m not Jesus; that much is clear. But, Jesus did say that the servant is not greater than his master, and that if they called the Master of the house Beelzebub, then you had better believe that the servant will be called far worse. I believe I am speaking the truth about mental illness, and those who suffer from it, who should be more responsive to the message, seeing that most simply write them off, are the most virulent opposition against that truth.

          You can no more prove that I am wrong than I can prove that I am right. Mental illness is not a subject that Jesus explicitly preached on, so the Scriptures regarding that subject are relatively few. But, given the heart of man, even if 99% of the Scriptures were on mental illness, most would still doubt and oppose those Scriptures if they don’t line up with “conventional wisdom.” As Jesus said in His story of the rich man and Lazarus, if they have the Bible, yet still do not believe in Hell, then they will not believe even if one were to come back from the dead and tell them.

          In closing, therefore, seeing that you have not and, in fact, can not provide any Scriptures to prove your beliefs or disprove mine–except they be wrenched out of context, then let us simply agree to disagree and pray for one another that God will illuminate us more on this matter. I accept your rebuke–as much as my fleshy mind will allow, anyway–and I pray that you are successful in your attempts to glorify God with your illness. I don’t believe I bring shame to the Lord Jesus trying to help those who need it; but, if I am, then I pray He will forgive me. And, I know He will.


  6. A few days ago, my sister in law (whom is bipolar) and my mom(who i know stuggles in generational curses as many of us do) got into a huge crazy fight at a family gathering…. since then ive been praying for direction in how i could help…. god kept reminding me of the same scripture you have used. God did not give us a spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind! He too has been leading me in the same direction, that it is demonic activity whether oppression or possession. I started searching it and found this. God’s confirmation for me! And reading about the generational curses, God has shown me too where i need to be praying for my own family. I shared it all with my brother and am hoping he will be able to help his wife! He did receive it well, i was worried about that but he knows it was out of love and concern for his family that i am trying to help.

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and standing firm in your beliefs and convictions. We live in a time when many are so disceived and blind. Some will receive it with an open heart and there are those that won’t but at least you can say for yourself you obeyed and did what you felt led to do.

    The majority of what you have said was confirmation and some i will be praying and seeking God for myself. After reading some comments on here, it also confirms again for me how close we are to the end…. and sadly so many people including some christians are so blind to the truth, but one day we will all face God and find out for ourselves…. but then for those who chose not to believe for their salvation,it will be too late…. it breaks my heart knowing this!

    • Hi, Liz. I am so encouraged that you found confirmation here that mental illness is demonic activity. I’m also very encouraged that you have consequently taken it upon yourself to pray for your family, because PRAYER IS WHERE IT’S AT! It is on your knees that your family will ultimately defeat Satan and his mental illness agenda. Thank you for sharing this information with your brother, and I’m happy that he received it well, knowing that you did so out of love and concern. I’ll be praying for you and your family. True, Liz, we are close to the end, and the fact that many of the household of faith are as deceived as those in the world is the proof. But those who know their God will shine as brightly as the firmament, and shall do exploits.


  7. Mr. Still Man,

    In one of your responses you mentioned that “not all christians have a teachable spirit”. Based on your lack of understanding (and lazy research) about Bipolar v.s Schizophrenia, and your responses to some of the comments from people who are trying to help educated you, it appears that you are speaking about yourself. I don’t know you but you seem very proud and stubborn on your position that you believe has been given to you by God. Sometimes it takes years for God to teach us something and often it is through unexpected sources. You said “you tested Jesus” in this matter… did you ever think that He’s testing you and your willingness to put aside your stubborn spirit?

    I am a born again believer and have struggled with manic-depression most of my life. I spent most of my youth and young adult life praying for God’s deliverance, searching my heart for my “unconfessed sins” (known and unknown), speaking the name of Jesus against spiritual forces, and pouring over scripture. Despite these efforts, that few christians I know do on a regular basis, I became sicker over time and nearly suicided twice during wildly psychotic episodes. That is until God lead me to a doctor who prescribed me medications THAT WORK.

    I have been stable for many years on the medication I’m currently on. You can argue your belief, as an outsider who has never experienced mental illness- but I’ve been through it, asked God for the answers, and believe He has shown me that bipolar IS a physical illness. So by your rationalization, did God teach you something special and lie to me? I have a much better relationship with God now that my mental health is being properly treated with medications… is my improved relationship with God also a demonic plot to keep me ill? Yes, I will always need medication but short sighted people will always need glasses (vision problems are based on symptoms and these eye differences can be seen with refractors- mental illness is based on symptoms and these brain differences can be seen on MRIs)… why are they not accused of harbouring sin or being generationally cursed?

    If I am correct, that you have no interest in learning anything, then what I have to say won’t matter much. But we are all accountable for what we do in the name of Christ. I agree that we can’t ignore the spiritual side of things (and I do believe the mentally ill are at more risk for demonic oppression/possession) but it does great harm when we pass off something physical as, simply, a “sin problem”. The book of Job is a great example of a sufferer being ignorantly accused instead of supported. We don’t always know why God asks us to suffer the way we do but passing off God’s ‘thorn in our flesh’, as being evil, is simplistic and could even be argued as a lack of faith in God’s design. Please don’t be that guy who persecutes a struggling brother that could be helped by acknowledging their physical disability.

    • Liz, there is a lot I could say, but I simply won’t. You can try to educate me all you want; but don’t get upset if I adhere to my beliefs based on 1. the Bible, 2. practical experience. Again, I say, you don’t have to suffer from mental illness to be able to speak on it and help others who are. Your use of Job as an example of someone wrongly accused does not apply here, because Job did not suffer from mental illness. Even when his wife tried to get him to commit suicide, Job still kept it together. I say again: Jesus promised the Christian 1. power, 2. love, and 3. A SOUND MIND. You can argue the point, but that’s one promise I’m holding onto. Why don’t you go to my ABOUT page and read my testimony of how the forces of darkness constantly use mind control techniques against me? I’m sure that one reason they do this is because I know that people can be set free of mental illness if they would just trust and believe the Scriptures. And Satan does not like it one bit that I preach this, because he’s afraid someone might listen, and he wants you to stay in bondage. Praise God that some people have listened and have profited thereby.

      Think about it: Paul had vision problems, Timothy was often sick, Epaphraditus was also sick, in fact, he almost died. Moses stayed stressed out. Suffering is part of the Christian life, no doubt, and stress plays a major role in that (it’s one of Satan’s favorite weapons). But not one of the saints in the Bible suffered from mental illness (i.e. bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc.). There’s a good reason for this: 2 Timothy 1:7.

      If you want to believe that your mental suffering is part and parcel of your Christian walk, well, you are free to believe that. A good friend of mine always says that there are enough ways in the world for everyone to have one of there own. Your way may not be my way, but if it works for you, then who am I to argue? Likewise, why get upset with me because my experience differs from yours? And don’t use the fact that I teach my beliefs as an excuse to lambast me. The world is being influenced by people with way bigger platforms than mine and with agendas much more sinister than mine, and people are paying them to do so. The Lord Jesus “went around doing good,” and people said He was possessed. I don’t expect any better.


      • I apologize that you feel my skepticism about God’s direction in regards to your perspective on this matter is me “lambasting you”. Did you ever stop to think that it feels like lambasting to the mentally ill when you publicly dismiss their physical disability as a “sin problem” or “generational curse”- you have no proof that mental illnesses are not physical- you are making an assumption, just as you’re making an assumption about me. You don’t know anything about me except that I have a diagnosed mental illness; yet you still make the assumption that I am “living in bondage” and that you have a better relationship with God than I … can you quantify that for me? In fact, it sort of looks like you’re implying that any attempt to challenge your position is a demonic “mind control technique against you” to throw you off course. I can’t beat you when you’re making a claim like that can I?

        You adhere your belief to 1. Your interpretation of the Bible (not the same thing as “The Bible”) 2. Your practical experience (which has nothing to do with Bipolar or Schizophrenia making it about as relevant to this issue as my misuse of the example of Job that you felt the need to nitpick about). By the same twisting of the bible that you use to support the idea that mental illness didn’t exist biblically among the righteous, I could also twist by telling you to read the Psalms and account of King David… the guy looks pretty Bipolar to me and he was a man after God’s own heart.

        I also have 35 years of practical experience that supports my position. Considering my position is a first hand account with evidence to support my claim (being that my medication works), that I too prayed for God’s discernment in this issue, AND there is no evidence here to support that God has handpicked you over me… I’d say my position has more weight being that I, at least, have some anecdotal evidence that supports my claim. But I don’t care about being ‘right’ I care about the number of people, saved and unsaved, that you are isolating and causing needless suffering to with your dogma.

        Furthermore, in numerous responses you have likened yourself to Jesus. You even ended your response to me that way. I gotta say, that doesn’t sit well with me… seriously, don’t you see the egotism in comparing yourself to Christ?

        You say you preach what you do to help people out of bondage. You clearly weren’t listening to me when I said that I haven’t been suffering with my mental illness since I started taking effective medications. I was in bondage when I was unmedicated and believed that God was punishing me for 25 years while I, and the rest of my church, tried to psycho-analyse my “sin problem” and “generational curse”. I’m not saying that these are not real issues in the Christian community but, for me, they weren’t the smoking gun you claim it is.

        I can claim Jesus’s promise of 1. Power 2. Love 3. A SOUND MIND since He led me to the healing power of modern medications. Just because God didn’t heal me through some mystical means and exorcism doesn’t mean He didn’t heal me. I thank God everyday for my medications, I am free because of this blessing, and I will not let Satan keep me in bondage because of my refusal to accept that my illness has a physical basis.

        I know this may come off as an unloving response but it wounds me deeply to think of the number of people who suffer and die, needlessly, because nobody takes the physical side of mental illnesses seriously. Yes, you should help people by trying to free them from spiritual oppression BUT don’t let Satan use you to keep the sick from getting the medical help they need as well.

        • Liz, try to understand that I am only one person out of over seven billion on the earth, only a literal handful of whom are Christians. Of that handful of Christians, I am one of a relative few who believe as I do (or at least one of the few who dares to publicly express his beliefs). I just don’t have the reach to make any kind of real impact on the world. Because my message is unpopular even with many professed Christians, no one is going to promote my beliefs to the mass of humanity. My ministry, therefore, is a niche ministry, which means that the vast majority of those suffering from mental illness are not going to be effected by my message.

          Like you, many, if not most, of those who will at least admit they suffer from mental illness are satisfied believing their problems are physical, and are okay taking medications. For most the medication merely treats the symptoms but does nothing to solve the problem, and many have resigned to believing that is as good as it gets.Unlike you, however, most have not found anything truly effective in the way of medicine. I am not trying to reach those people, because many such are not looking for solutions, but, rather, are looking for confirmation that what they are doing and how they feel about what they are doing is okay. And, because few really want to hear the truth, but, as the Bible says, have “itching ears” and are just looking for someone to scratch them, then those people will find the confirmation they are looking for, as you have.

          My ministry is for those who have tried everything and listened to everyone and have still found no relief. A person like that is now ready to listen, not just hear. One has nothing to lose by listening to me, but, rather, one has everything to gain. He risks only getting better. If he listens to me and doesn’t like what he hears, then he simply goes back to doing whatever he was doing (or not). Even if he gets his feelings hurt, he’ll be okay. Some, however, rather than do this, attack the messenger, or attempt to get me to change my stance. Why? because they don’t agree with me? This is pointless. What may not work for you may work for others. So, if it doesn’t work for you, the prudent thing to do would be to move on to something you find useful.

          You may one day run into someone who was in your same situation and had tried everything you tried, yet found no relief. In this situation, out of Christian charity rather than for the sake of your own beliefs, you should offer that person an alternative. That is where I come in.

          In closing, I will say that there is no way I can stop a person from seeking medical help, if he is so inclined, as a medical solution is the first alternative for most. Nearly everyone who comes to this site has already sought medical help, that’s why they come. At the risk of sounding unloving, people such as yourself, who through your unbelief and intolerance of alternative points of view, are the ones who may ultimately stop people who desperately need deliverance from getting it.

          So, I thank you for your insight. And I wish you all the best with your treatment. God bless you.


          • I do hear what you’re saying. After having read more of your website I have to admit that, in general, we share similar views on several issues. On the subject of mental illness, we obviously disagree- although I have never denied that spiritual oppression can be involved (I am neither “unbelieving” nor “intolerant” of this idea as you suggest). I simply believe that there is a physical component, as well, in the majority of cases. That has been my personal experience and the testimony of many of my Christian brothers and sisters who have battled this.

            I always consider the spiritual aspect when interacting with those with mental health issues (my father was a pastor and I have seen some scary demonic stuff) and believe that a relationship with Christ is the first step towards real freedom. I don’t stop those who need God’s deliverance, I encourage it. But I also know, from experience, that it DOES cause harm when someone, like me, loses 25+ years of their life, growing sicker, while beating themselves up about the fact that their constant prayers for healing/deliverance and pleading with God to forgive their sins (and the sins of their ancestors) is not working. Over the years this damaged my relationship with God and caused me to question everything I believed about Him. Then God lead me to the doctor I have now. I was put on medication and have experienced great relief through this. Through the restoration of my mind I have been able to see that God has never left me, or forsaken me, but that His journey for me was different from what I had expected. I believe God has shown me that mental illness has a physical component so that I can be supportive to others, like me, who live with disabilities that the Christian community, as a whole, are still struggling to understand. Your perspective is not, at all, unpopular amongst many Christians and your opinion that mental illness is not a physical illness is not unpopular in the secular world either. The stigma with mental illness is crushing and the mentally ill are pariahs almost everywhere they go (that’s why we keep it a secret).

            You feel your ministry is for those who have tried everything and listened to everyone and still found no relief- I feel my ministry is the same (just on the other end of things). You are hoping to offer help to those who are spiritually oppressed and I’m hoping to offer help to those who are not, solely, spiritually oppressed but suffering due to physical factors.

            I thank you for taking the time to respond to my responses. I still strongly disagree with your perspective on this matter but I have prayed over this conversation and feel that your intentions are well-meaning. I pray that God will use your ministry to help others and that we, both, will remain open to God’s leading in our lives.

            • Hi, Liz. I’m sorry you lost over 25 years of your life from mental illness the whole time searching for the way out. Though I’ve never suffered from mental illness, I know something of bondage, having been a slave to Satan through lust a great many years, and I know how such bondage can impair one’s judgment, even though he may always be in his right mind. I just want to use my experience and what the Lord Jesus has shown me to help people get well, especially my brothers and sisters of the household of faith. I’m glad you understand that. I will try to always remain open to the leading of the Holy Spirit in my life, and I thank you for your perspective as well as your well wishes for this ministry. May the Good Lord Jesus richly bless you and yours.

              Your servant,

        • Liz , Hi I am going to pray for you and that you soften up your heart and ask God to help you and deliver you from the bondage of mental illness (demonic influence). It is aparent from reading your responses that this is bothering you to hear someone say mental illness stems from demonic presence, generational curses, etc. BUT i can feel just from reading your words that the enemy does NOT want you to figure it out that he has his way in your mind. I speak healing over your life in the name of JESUS!!

  8. Well, this entire thing is just a shame. This ads to the category of ignorance and misinformation known as; Christians that do not acknowledge the reality of mental illness. Informed Christians know that there’s a difference between demonic activity and true mental illness. Yes, demon activity in ones life WILL affect your mental health, undoubtedly! It can copy some symptoms of mental illness. However, the prevalence of real demonic activity in ones life, be it oppression or possession, is probably much less common than people such as yourself might think… There’s a hell of a lot of people with anxiety, depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, BPD, etc, that aren’t demonic in nature, but stem from brain disorders OR thinking issues caused from a tragic life; think PTSD and nightmares after witnessing the gore and suffering of war.

    Firstly, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are two entirely different ILLNESSES with different symptoms. Schizophrenia is much like this:
    Disorganized speech.
    Disorganized or catatonic behavior.
    Negative symptoms (emotional flatness, apathy, lack of speech)
    There is a whole host of symptoms for schizophrenia, but in general it’s when somebody is extremely paranoid, delusional, and has no grasp on reality whatsoever – schizophrenics do not get manic. The only similarity is both disorders can present delusions.

    Bipolar is when you experience ABNORMAL HIGHS and LOWS, as well as anxiety and everything in between; it’s far from simple. The issue is not these ‘apposing poles’ or whatever that ridiculous comparison was, the issue is the depression itself, and the mania/hypomania itself – the issue isn’t the contrast of the two.. Which is why plain old depression is STILL an issue. If a person had just hypomania or mania, it’s still an issue regardless if there’s depression present at other periods. Get it? So that whole argument of the issue being the two opposites is rubbish. The issue isn’t the existence of both, it’s just that both exist with this condition.

    Bipolar can include delusions such as schizophrenics get, however, it’s entirely different in nature. Mania is when a person is so high, so inflated, so ‘UP’ they often believe in delusions mainly about their own power or ability, such as thinking one is the son of God, the smartest man on earth, has the cure to cancer etc. Hypomania as seen in type 2 bipolar disorder is also a huge, huge issue, and this is the kind of bipolar disorder I’ve had my whole life.

    Hypomania is a milder form of mania where NO delusions are present. It is, simply put for your simple mind, as if you are on a great deal of speed or amphetamine ALL THE TIME. The ‘gogo’ feel good chemicals in your brain are all up, all out of control, you RACE, you cannot slow down or calm down, you plan grand futures for yourself, some people can use this hypomania to be wildly successful, others get a more irritable version; but with hypomania there’s next to NO sleep, and until you medically intervene, you only go higher and higher and sleep less and less, getting more and more energetic until your brain ‘bums out’ and you crash into a lasting and very real serious depression. It is no small deal, I assure you! And I assure you that you will never feel as euphoric as I have, even if you do drugs.

    Bipolar wreaks havoc on every aspect of your life. From personal health, relationships, financial to your career. If you have bipolar YOU and OTHERS WILL KNOW. It is in no way mild and sooner or later with the disorder untreated you will wind up in a hospital somewhere to get the diagnosis for the condition you have. Until you get that diagnosis, learn of your condition, take medication, nothing will improve, the symptoms worsen over time.

    it’s real, it runs in families and here’s the thing; while there is certainly the possibility of people being demonically possessed or oppressed, it’s uncommon. And it’s ENTIRELY different from mental illness.

    True demonologists have a psychiatrist evaluate somebody prior to exorcism to test if it’s supernatural, truly, in nature, or if the person has bipolar, schizophrenia, or perhaps another disorder which may include delusions such as schizoeffective. All disorders are entirely different with severely different symptoms and very different treatment. But the same way chest pain can be caused by two different illnesses exhibiting much the same pain, similarly, mental illness symptoms can be similar. And guess what? 9/10 cases are that the person is mentally ill and can only improve through psychiatric intervention, NOT through any amount of prayer unless God grants them a miracle cure, which most people do not get. We must all suffer in our own ways.

    Also they do know a lot about mental illness now and what causes the illness. Heard of dopamine? Seratonin? Well, if your seratonin and dopamine is constantly going WAY UP then WAY DOWN, you’ll experience the depression and mania. Drugs to this to people, but with bipolar, your brain does it on its own.
    With brain mapping and brain scans they can now see the insanely different brain activity with people who are manic, hypomanic, compared to normal people – and depressed people compared to those not depressed. This included abnormalities in brain structure, such as a shrunken hippocampus in many depressed people, and insanely over active brains in those manic. Cool thing is people that take medication and respond to treatment, over time, their brain structure can actually repair, people with shrunken hippocampus’ can actually recover and it can grow while taking anti depressants and going to treatment. Medication now targets particular processes and regions that are abnormal in those with bipolar for instance, and works tremendously well in treating the condition.

    If you throw medication at somebody whose problems stem from demons then the medication and treatment will not work; JUST THE SAME as praying for somebody with bipolar is infact very very dangerous! DO NOT CONVINCE somebody with a delusional disorder they have demons… This can lead to anything, suicide, hospital, you name it.

    I told you I have bipolar and I convinced myself for a very long time in the past that it was DEMONIC in nature. It was a dark delusional depression where I was convinced. I underwent exorcisms, I prayed and prayed and I was DELUSIONAL AND SICK through getting overly spiritual while unmedicated. Basically, spirituality made me incredibly sick because I was SICK WITH AN ILLNESS and sometimes you need to pray as you seek treatment. If you have cancer, you pray, but you also go to get surgery, chemo, etc, you do not rely on prayer alone; same applies to depression, anxiety, etc.

    I have since learned that God will help me with bipolar disorder but I will always experience crippling depressions, euphoric highs, and irritable times; I will always be at risk of suicide and reckless behavior and I always need support and to be very mindful and strict with my lifestyle. With the right medication, and I only take one, I experience no delusional thoughts, I sleep 8 hours, maintain a job and relationship, all of these things impossible without the appropriate treatment. I can now have a healthy prayer life and a healthy spiritual outlook. I no longer run around trying to heal people and pray for strangers while hypomanic, and do not think I am being tormented by demons while depressed.

    If I blame my mental condition on spiritual issues the problems will worsen drastically because my problems are mental NOT spiritual. Spiritually I am doing really well and God is proud of me.

    Is diabetes demonic?
    Is a broken leg demonic?
    Is a liver disease demonic?

    You would come across insulting if you weren’t just so ignorant of mental illness. This is why mentally ill people commit suicide, because they are too proud and too afraid to ask for help because they are afraid of people like you that insult their suffering and pain and diminish their real problems into fantasy. You truly can have no say on the topic of mental illness if you haven’t done appropriate research, and unless you or somebody close to you has battled a severe mental illness.

    Well, the brain malfunctions as any organ does. The brain is the human computer and network that controls EVERYTHING, why is it hard for people like you to grasp the reality that the brain can be sick like any other organ? Epilepsy is a brain illness, is that demonic? Are those seizures just because they are not ‘born again’?

    God gives all humans suffering. And mental anguish and illness is another form and a ‘demon’ we must battle, not spiritually, but medically first and foremost.

    It’s been a pleasure trying, hopefully with a good result, to change your mind on this.

    • To begin, I must address something you said near the close of your comment. You said: “This is why mentally ill people commit suicide, because they are too proud and too afraid to ask for help” and that people like me cause them to commit suicide with our belief that the cause of their problem could be spiritual. This is simply not true. There are people who need help, but are afraid to ask for it, and there are people who need help, but are too proud to ask for it. I have belonged to both groups at one time or another in my life. But I have never committed suicide. Mentally ill people who commit suicide do not do so because they get their feelings hurt; they do so because they are mentally ill. If you are mentally ill and prone to commit suicide, you will do so even if you have a caring family, friends, are in a relationship, have a steady income, and have a great support system, and you know that this is true. This is what characterizes mental illness. You admit that you are a suicide risk. Is this because you may run into a Christian who says that your problems may be spiritual? Or is it because of your condition?

      You make far too many unsubstantiated claims to defend you views. For instance, you say that the prevalence of real demonic activity in one’s life is probably much less common than people such as myself think yet, but you cannot prove that. You say “there’s a hell of a lot of people with anxiety, depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, BPD, etc. that aren’t demonic in nature,” but you would have no way of knowing this unless you had personal knowledge of all these cases. You attribute their mental illness to brain disorders, “thinking issues” caused by things like PTSD and nightmares caused by war, but this is another dubious claim. Those who have been in war, such as myself, make up less than 1/100 of one percent of the total population, and those who suffer PTSD from witnessing the horrors of war are even less. Those who have suffered a brain disorder are fewer still. Yet, mental illness has been on a steady increase for decades. By some estimates, more than 40% of the population suffer from some form of mental illness. How can this be? Many, such as yourself, try to gainsay the prevalence of demonic activity in our day, but you cannot do so without reaching for straws.

      You believe that mental illness can be caused by one’s seratonin and dopamine levels “going WAY UP,” and that with bipolar disorder, the brain “does it on its own.” I submit that our bodies do nothing on their own. If one’s seratonin and/or dopamine goes up (or down) something (or someone) is causing it to go up or down. Now, in my experience, things that happen to our bodies have either a physical (medical) cause, or a spiritual cause.

      Regardless what you say, you believe in your heart that mental illness is spiritual and not medical, as you say, “If you throw medication at somebody whose problems stem from demons then the medication and treatment will not work.” Did you know that the vast majority of those being treated for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia are not getting better? In some cases, the medication may help their manic and depressive episodes or help them to function fairly normally through such episodes, but they never get better and they are rarely, if ever, cured.

      You say that it is “very very dangerous” to pray for someone with mental illness. Dangerous to whom? If you mean the person who is mentally ill, what does he have to lose? You say that the delusional person who is convinced his problems are demonic could commit suicide or end up in the hospital, but many people–yourself included–are convinced that mental illness is not demonic, and are a suicide risk anyway. You also say that if a bipolar person goes untreated, he will “sooner or later” end up in the hospital. Again, what does he has to lose seeking help from Jesus?

      Now, if you mean dangerous to the person doing the praying, you are dead wrong. God would never allow one who prays for another to get harmed by Satan. As a matter of fact, James 5:16 says that when we get sick, we should “pray one for another that ye may be healed.” Come on now!

      God loves prayer. Look at Job. The Bible tells us that God healed Job “when he prayed for his friends” (Job 42:10). Job didn’t get further afflicted because he prayed for them, but he got healed! This agrees with Jesus’ commandment for us to “Love one another.” It is never wrong or dangerous to pray for someone. I have heard such a doctrine before from a man who claims to be a Christian psychologist, but whom I suspect is actually a Jesuit. Now, if this was your experience, you must remember that by your own admission, you were “delusional and sick” while you were praying for others. What may have happened is that Satan did not appreciate you praying for anyone while he was busy afflicting you and tried (successfully) to discourage you from praying by afflicting you in the process. I pray all the time for people who are burdened by Satan, and have even prayed and fasted with them. My family and I are under steady attack because of this, but it hasn’t and won’t deter me. Jesus loves it when we pray for others.

      I will say that it is very important to stay prayed up yourself and keep it “under the blood” (confess sins) while praying for someone who is in bondage to Satan, but you needn’t be concerned about any danger. If there were danger in it, I believe the Lord Jesus would have warned us.

      Allow me to address one last comment that you made. You say that I have no right to speak on the topic of mental illness if I haven’t 1. done the “appropriate” research, 2. suffered from mental illness myself, or 3. know someone close who has suffered from mental illness. As far as research, I have researched the topic of mental illness both from a spiritual and temporal perspective. You may not appreciate my views, but they are no less valid. As far as me not having had mental illness, Jesus never sinned, yet 99.9999% of his preaching was on sin. Did he speak out of place?

      As far as someone close to me suffering from mental illness, suffice it to say that I have suffered as much as anyone who lives with a person suffering from mental illness. And the more you love them, the more it hurts.

    • Thank you, Kieran, for your comment. Let me begin by saying that the problem with the term mentally ill is that it fools people into believing that mental illness is as normal as breaking a leg or having a disease. You yourself have implied this. The term mental illness, while easier to hear, over-simplifies a very devastating state of being.

      I must also address something you said near the close of your comment. You said: “This is why mentally ill people commit suicide, because they are too proud and too afraid to ask for help” and that people like me cause them to commit suicide with our belief that the cause of their problem could be spiritual. This is simply not true. There are people who need help, but are afraid to ask for it, and there are people who need help, but are too proud to ask for it. And there are people who commit suicide and don’t belong to either group. Mentally ill people who commit suicide do not do so because they get their feelings hurt; they do so because they are mentally ill. That is one reason they are considered mentally ill. Mentally ill people are not horrible people. They are not pariahs. They do not deserve to be scorned or shunned. They are simply mentally ill, which, for me, means they can’t properly cope with the issues of life. They don’t function as they should, and they need help. Most harm only themselves, some harm others; But, all–without exception–harm those closest to them.

      While I applaud your zeal, you make far too many unsubstantiated claims in defense of you views. For instance, you say that the prevalence of real demonic activity in one’s life is probably much less common than people such as myself think yet, but you cannot prove that. You say “there’s a hell of a lot of people with anxiety, depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, BPD, etc. that aren’t demonic in nature,” but you would have no way of knowing this unless you had personal knowledge of all these cases. You attribute their mental illness to brain disorders, “thinking issues” caused by things like PTSD and nightmares caused by war, but this is another dubious claim. Those who have been in war, such as myself, make up less than 1/100 of one percent of the total population, and those who suffer PTSD from witnessing the horrors of war are even less. Those who have suffered a brain disorder are fewer still. Yet, mental illness has been on a steady increase for decades. By some estimates, more than 40% of the population suffer from some form of mental illness. How can this be? Those, such as yourself, who gainsay the prevalence of demonic activity in our day, cannot do so without reaching for straws.

      You believe that mental illness can be caused by one’s seratonin and dopamine levels “going WAY UP,” and that with bipolar disorder, the brain “does it on its own.” I submit that our bodies do nothing on their own. If one’s seratonin and/or dopamine goes up (or down) something (or someone) is causing it to go up or down. Now, in my experience, things that happen to our bodies have either a physical (medical) cause, or a spiritual cause.

      Regardless what you say, you believe in your heart that mental illness is spiritual and not medical, as you say, “If you throw medication at somebody whose problems stem from demons then the medication and treatment will not work.” Did you know that the vast majority of those being treated for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia are not getting better? In some cases, the medication may help their manic and depressive episodes or help them to function fairly normally through such episodes, but they never get better and they are rarely, if ever, cured.

      You say that it is “very very dangerous” to pray for someone with mental illness. Dangerous to whom? If you mean the person who is mentally ill, what does he have to lose? You say that the delusional person who is convinced his problems are demonic could commit suicide or end up in the hospital, but many people–yourself included–are convinced that mental illness is not demonic, and are a suicide risk anyway. You also say that if a bipolar person goes untreated, he will “sooner or later” end up in the hospital. Again, what does he has to lose seeking help from Jesus?

      Now, if you mean dangerous to the person doing the praying, you are dead wrong. God would never allow one who prays for another to get harmed by Satan. As a matter of fact, James 5:16 says that when we get sick, we should “pray one for another that ye may be healed.” Come on now!

      God loves prayer. Look at Job. The Bible tells us that God healed Job “when he prayed for his friends” (Job 42:10). Job didn’t get further afflicted because he prayed for them, but he got healed! This agrees with Jesus’ commandment for us to “Love one another.” It is never wrong or dangerous to pray for someone. I have heard such a doctrine before from a man who claims to be a Christian psychologist, but whom I suspect is actually a Jesuit. Now, if this was your experience, you must remember that by your own admission, you were “delusional and sick” while you were praying for others. What may have happened is that Satan did not appreciate you praying for anyone while he was busy afflicting you and tried (successfully) to discourage you from praying by afflicting you in the process. I pray all the time for people who are burdened by Satan, and have even prayed and fasted with them. I will admit that my family and I are under steady attack largely, I believe, because of this, but we understand that this is goes with the territory. Jesus loves it when we pray for others.

      It is very important to stay prayed up yourself and keep it “under the blood” (confess sins) while praying for someone who is in bondage to Satan, but you needn’t be concerned about any danger. If there were danger in it, I believe the Lord Jesus would have warned us and discouraged us from praying for those in bondage.

      Allow me to address one last comment that you made. You say that I have no right to speak on the topic of mental illness if I haven’t done the “appropriate” research, suffered from mental illness myself, or know someone close who has suffered from mental illness. As for research, I have researched the topic of mental illness from a spiritual and temporal perspective, and am satisfied that my understanding of it is correct. In fact, in my opinion, the medical profession understands so little about mental illness, that the biblical perspective is the only one that makes sense. You may not appreciate my views, but they are no less valid. As far as me never having suffered from mental illness, the Lord Jesus never sinned, yet 99.9999% of His preaching was on sin. Did He speak out of place? And lastly, regarding knowing someone who has suffered from mental illness, suffice it to say that I have suffered as much as anyone who loves someone who is suffering from mental illness. In the words of Forrest Gump, “That’s all I got to say about that.”

      God bless you.

  9. Although i am not a Christian, i resonate to the general message behind your article.
    I feel you are in the right spot but if you keep limiting yourself to one perspective you will never see the bigger picture. As this is your own free will, this is just my advice.

    There IS a spiritual “war” going on but this has been going on since before the oldest times described in any Christian text. (Yes the Earth is way older then 6000 years)
    Search an ye will find..
    Yet it is not a war, but just the everlasting searching for balance between the two forces of this Universe. (Which you call God and Satan)

    The fact these things are happening (in the spirit world) should not scare all of you people any more than the fact that their live at least a million mites in your mattrass.
    So above, So below..
    We feed on lower density entities (plants/animals) and so do higher density entities feed on us, only because they are not made of material, our food for them also has to be non-material. So whats the non material thing we humans have in common and are transmitting 24.7? Emotions!

    Now do we get it?

    Everybody here is trying to prove their right and wrongs, is it so hard to accept that people have different ways of seeing thing and that it might, IT MIGHT, could be that BOTH of the perspectives contain the truth?

    As someone who has studied all available knowledge since 14 (religion, sience, para sience, etc. etc.), and someone who has something like bi-polar/schizophrenia (never diagnosed, dont trust doctors) i can tell that all of you people are wrong and right in some kind of way.

    To the people who say that it is a brain disfunction, this is true, as our emotions (which are the building blocks of the manic/depressed episoded) are governed by chemicals whitin our celebro. But WHY become these chemicals out of balance?

    T0 the people who believe it is merely a spiritual event, this is also true, but these ‘demons’ (its just enitities from higher lifeform though) cant just magically cause a decease in someone, as we are all protected by the Love and Light of the Infinite Creator.

    But there are occasions, when our defenses are weakened, like when we are not balanced (when we are “ill”, have a “disorder” or decease, but also if we dont eat/drink the right things, when we seek the negative, etc. etc.)
    Disbalances are caused by the Law of Karma(sin?) and can/will manifest in a physical/mental form as a result of your action. Like the author states this can come from familiar Karma (sin?) or even racial Karma. I personally believe that it even goes from/with you in to your next experiences as an incarnated soul. (I know you wont agree with that but its a pity that so many people believe that there is only life as that limits your opportunities to become enlightened in the long term)

    Now should we see this as a reason to lower our heads and just live with it?
    Accept ourselfs as incomplete beings because this is the way your God want it?
    Take meds that make you “better” in the moment but destroy your spirit?

    (People who believe that gifted people invent all medicine for the better of us dont know NOTHING about the pharmaceutical industry, if this where true, why do most medicines have side effects that are worse then the actual illness itself?! And if you really look at the results of these medicine and you please be honest to yourself.
    Or are they just being held in a situation which is acceptable to them (and foremost society)
    (I’m not saying that all medicines do no good.. Offcourse they’ll do what you take em for, thats what they are invented for.. But at what price?)

    The answers to all these questions is NO.
    You shouldn’t “just” live (like that is even possible) with it.
    Neither should you just trust the lord and pray that it will go away.

    Your God is a creator, and we are his co-creators.
    Our Universe is made of infinite creation.
    If you are born with an illness, disorder, decease or whatever..
    And thats not by just giving yourself to the lord Jesus and pray a lot.
    (although i either dont see that as a wrong thing! Prayer/meditation (same) is good, its just not all there is)
    The evidence is dat their are many people (as read above) who are very committed to their religion and still suffer..

    As an old saying says:

    Your salvations lies in the wounds that has been given to you.

    People try to see the bigger picture and you will see that we are all participating in a great scheme of things, this goes further then the Bible (sorry to say) or any other religion of believe system “known” today.

    You may call me a sinner for not being a Christian, i call it freedom of choise to follow the way of the Infinite Creator as i want to, as this is who/what we are.
    Discovering ourselfs (sparks of the Infinite Creator) in all possible ways.


    Before any of you naggers is going to complain about my grammer or spelling,
    I am not an native English speaker so save your sorrow.


    Please dont reply with any Biblical references but with your own LOGIC.

  10. Hello Still Man,
    I am a certified Mental Health First Aid instructor and I teach the course to the general public for Ventura County Behavioral Health and I teach it from a Christian perspective in local evangelical churches. The following comments do not represent the views of Ventura County Behavioral Health, Mental Health First Aid USA, nor the evangelical churches that I teach the course in.

    Bi-Polar disorder is a physical disease in which the brain causes people to have manic phases (chemicals cause their body and brain to be supercharged) and depression phases (brain does not produce serotonin and other chemicals) and this causes the body to shut down and often persons with the disease physically unable to wake up or get out of bed. I believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God and it teaches that disease and death came into the world as a result of original sin. However, It does not tell us why certain people get specific diseases (cancer, asthma, etc). If your assertions about Bi-polar disease and sin are correct then the majority (all have sinned- and even the best of Christians still sin) of people would have Bi-Polar disease as well as episodes where they could not physically go to sleep for days and could not wake up or physically function because of depression. Science has proven that Bi-Polar disease is primarily the result of genetics like cancer or diabetes. Yes diabetes & cancer can be brought on by behavior or physical conditions in the environment(sugar abuse or polluted environment) in those who are genetically predisposed to them. However, many people who are not genetically predisposed to these diseases will not develop them even if they ingest sugar every day or live in a unhealthy environment. Only 2.6% of the population has Bi-Polar disorder. The rate for schizophrenia is even lower. The percentage of people who deny Christ, live in Sin, or who are double minded carnal Christians is much-much higher. If sin and demons caused bi-polar disorder the prevalence rate for BPD in the general population would probably exceed 50%. Your assertions regarding sin and BPD & Schizophrenia simply do not line up with reality.

    Also, schizophrenia as a disease should not be understood by the definition of the ancient Greek word but by what it is as a disease. For example “diabetes” is an ancient Greek word which means siphon because ancient patients urinated often. However, urinating frequently and the word Siphon has nothing to do with understanding the cause of Diabetes or it’s nature as a disease. The words Bi-Polar Disorder and schizophrenia are simply words used to describe a real physical disease caused by physical realities in the brain (a physical organ). Brain scans show real physical distinctions in brain activity and physical features from brains of persons who do not have these diseases. Schizophrenia is not diagnosed because of a “split mind”. The disease is diagnosed because of a cluster of symptoms: Delusions, hallucinations, very slowed thinking, etc. A doctor nor a psychiatrist would never diagnose some one as a schizophrenic because of double mindedness or because instability in all their ways and thoughts (James). They are diagnosed with schizophrenia because they have a psychosis (complete break with reality-Cannot distinguish what is real). Proper Biblical exegesis would never lead one to connect the Book of James 1:8 (I have been a full time pastor for 23 years and I am proficient at Greek exegesis after 3 years at Fuller seminary). Also,
    14% of patients with Bi-polar disorder complete suicide. The number is far lower for carnal Christians who are double minded (James) and un-renewed in their thinking. If your logic was correct (double mindedness is akin to Bi-Polar disorder or schizophrenia) then 14% of double minded carnal Christians would complete suicide. The suicide rate for double minded Christians is no where near that (praise God) because the diseases of Bi-Polar disorder and schizophrenia having nothing to do with double mindedness or carnality.

    As a pastor and Mental Health First Aid instructor I have met many Godly Christians who are full of the Holy Spirit and who are single of mind and passion in serving the Lord who have been diagnosed with these diseases (Bi-Polar Disorder & Schizophrenia). They go through physical brain changes and experience mania and depression but honor God in their thought process and behavior. Instead of staying of nights and doing drugs or acting out sexually they stay up praying and reading. However because BPD is physical there minds and bodies are supercharged with energy and racing thoughts but they submit them to the Lord. I also have a faithful church member who has schizophrenia. He takes the bus to church every Sunday, goes to Bible study, witnesses and lives a Godly life in obedience to Jesus Christ. However, because his physical disease of the brain (schizophrenia) two to three times a year he has to deal with unwell phases (delusions and hallucinations). He overcomes them with medication which helps his brain and with prayer and the Word which helps him stay attached to reality in the face of hallucinations.

    I have committed my life to helping Christians with mental health disorder because more often than not they have to suffer alone because a big portion of the Body of Christ is ignorant when it comes to mental health issues. People whom Jesus shed His blood for and filled with the Holy Spirit are forced to “go it alone” because other Christians think they have demons, lack faith, having a pitty party, or chose to be “weak minded”.

    I am sure that you are a sincere Christian who is trying to honor Christ and to help others draw closer to Christ through this blog. However, in my opinion you are sincerely incorrect regarding the nature of Bi-Polar Disorder, Schizophrenia, and their causes. People with these diseases may be more vulnerable to the power of sin because they are at a mental disadvantage but they do not have these specific diseases because they have sinned. Yes, sickness and disease exists in this world because of original sin but only God knows why specific people are born with out limbs, get cancer, have heart conditions in their youth, or have mental health disorders.

    Pastor Ron Urzua
    Mental Health First Aid Instructor

    • Pastor Ron, I thank you for your comment. I have no doubt that you have met Christians who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, as there are a great many. One can be saved and still suffer from mental disorders, because to be saved one must only trust in the shed blood of Jesus (for by grace are we saved) and confess Jesus as Lord. To be delivered from a generational curse, however, which I believe is the primary cause of mental illness, one must do more than merely believe on the Lord Jesus: one must confess sins. This is the purpose 1 John 1:9, which few people understand.

      Regarding your claims, It is untrue that modern science has proven bipolar disorder to be genetic; for, in order to prove that, it would be necessary to both identify the gene that causes bipolar (in successive generations) and, in that bipolar disorder is not normal, the abnormality within that gene that causes the disorder. Even with all the advances in gene research, to date, medical science has not been able to do any of these. For this reason, the mental health profession has only theorized that the disorder is genetic, because successive generations as well as siblings have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Their conclusions are only suppositions, however, and are not conclusive.

      It is also untrue that it has been scientifically proven that bipolar disorder is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. This has been merely theorized–not scientifically proven. But this fact has never stopped mental health professionals from telling their patients that bipolar is physical or chemical. In this way, bipolar disorder is very much like the theory of evolution. There is not one shred of hard evidence that humans evolved from apes, yet, because most so-called scientists believe this (or at least profess to believe this), then what used to be called the theory of evolution is now accepted and taught as a scientific fact. This science falsely so-called is the same science that calls, without a shred of scientific evidence, bipolar disorder genetic simply because it is found in successive generations. Show me the gene that causes bipolar, then I might consider that the disorder may be genetic. Until then, no honest medical doctor worth his salt should spread that falsehood.

      As for your church member who suffers from schizophrenia, I feel sorry for him, not only because he has the disorder, but because you, his pastor, are satisfied to leave him as he is, suffering from a mental disease, when the Bible makes it clear that God has given us “power. love, and a sound mind.” All Christians should have a testimony of victory or our Christian walk is of no value to the unsaved world. If this man has schizophrenia and two or three times a year is not in his right mind, then he has no testimony of victory, but of defeat. That you, his pastor, are comfortable letting this man walk around like that by accepting that this is normal for a Christian merely because he can praise God and witness is appalling. The man has no victory! This man could be set free, but your closed-mindedness has condemned him to a life of bondage. And believe you me, mental illness is bondage, regardless of whatever spin you put on it.

      As I have said before, not all Christians can receive this teaching on the correlation between mental illness and sin–generational or otherwise. The Apostle Paul made it clear that even in his time, there were Christians who had to be fed milk when, at that point in their Christian walk, they should have been ready for “strong meat.” (Hebrews 5:14). These he called “babes.” Those who were ready for strong meat, Paul said, are they who “by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.” Did Paul mean that babes in Christ didn’t know good from evil? No. Paul used the word discern, which is the ability to perceive that which one cannot see: to know what is of God and what is of Satan. Notice that Paul said that their discernment was exercised “by reason of use.” That means such people have developed the habit of seeing not with the eyes, but with the spirit, comparing spiritual things with spiritual things, through the perfect lens of the Holy Spirit, who can see in the darkness and in the light. Spirits are invisible, and Satan is a spirit. Though his works manifest in the physical, they always originate in the spiritual; if you cannot discern them, then you cannot even begin to understand them. This is where most Christians are.

      In the times of the Apostles, most Christians were not able to understand many of Paul’s teachings, which is why the Apostle Peter said:

      “Even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you:

      “As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.” (2 Peter 3:15b-16).

      Clearly, God has not given all Christians the same amount of wisdom. It is therefore, incumbent upon those who do understand to teach those who do not. The problem, however, is that not all Christians have a teachable spirit, especially those who like to tout their Christian credentials. Such tend to resist those things they cannot readily grasp, rather than praying over those things they disagree with and seeking the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit.

      Though you may be committed to helping Christians suffering from mental illness, what you may ultimately do is help keep them exactly where they are with no relief in sight, taking medication to treat the symptoms, suffering manic episodes, hallucinations and delusions, and depression, but never getting at the root of the problem. You may succeed at convincing these people that Christians such as myself who believe and know that mental illness is rooted in sin and can be conquered by the blood of Jesus through confession of sins–especially generational–are the reason for their discomfort, but you will have a zero deliverance rate and hear few, if any, genuine testimonies of victory over mental illness. All because you won’t even consider what I and others like me are saying. This is truly a pity.

      “It is extremely encouraging from time to time to meet Christian psychiatrists whose spiritual eyes have been really opened. To this effect a Christian neurologist once said, ‘60% of the inmates in my psychiatric clinic are not so much sufferihng from mental illness as from occult subjection or even demonization,’ and an English psychiatrist declared once, ‘If I were able to obtain forgiveness for the sins of the patients in my clinic, I would be able to discharge half of them tomorrow.” –Kurt Koch, Christian counselor and psychiatrist, in Occult Bondage and Deliverance, p. 13.

  11. I am deeply saddened to read this article. I think what bothers me the most is the lack of compassion in the tone of your writing. You seem completely unattached from the reality that there are people who actually struggle with this. I would never recommend this to someone who is seeking healing both spiritual and biological. You have missed the mark entirely. As a person who has been trained to heal and rid the body of spiritual darkness I have come to also realize that our brains can sometimes be wired differently than others. That is no fault to the person. Just as some people need glasses. Does that mean they are demonically oppressed because they can not see? No! But if I had perfect eye sight I could pass that judgment. I say all this to say I recommend you become close friends with someone who struggles with this. You will see that is not always sin. You have proven two things by writing this: 1. Your maturity and 2. The lack there of. Please stop trying to defend this article! Bi polar is both mental and physical.

    • I am more than close friends with people who struggle with this. One of those even names the name of Christ and is a regular churchgoer. My own mother, now deceased, while alive, was being treated for clinical depression. The churchgoer is from a family that practiced generational witchcraft (fortune tellers), and my own mother used a ouija board. The occult is a common denominator with many suffering from mental illness. You would be surprised how many people who suffer from mental illness come from families where one or all of the ancestors practiced witchcraft and dabbled in the occult. The problem is that witchcraft has become so common that is not considered sin anymore. In my experience, many so called pastors and healers are not Christians, many being witches, and are openly opposed to the Gospel. These either wittingly or unwittingly don’t ask their patients the right questions, and, so, ultimately their patients don’t get truly healed or delivered.

      I don’t need to defend anything. Just because you and others disagree with me, doesn’t mean you are right and I am wrong. And your opposition doesn’t deter me in the least. With your fair speeches and pleasant P.C. words, you will convince many, while I may only convince one. But that one will be free–totally and completely–while those you convince will be in bondage for the rest of their lives. I am deeply saddened by the lack of maturity and discernment on the part of many professed Christians. But, Jesus said it would be like this; so, I’m neither surprised nor deterred.

  12. With modern science and technology, a “blind man” can simply wear glasses or
    have surgeries that may heal or help.
    A “lame” man , by birth or by accident, can be fit with prosthetics.
    Cancer patients are often healed with specific treatments, great strides being made towards cures for certain types.
    Diabetics now have insulin available.
    High blood pressure? Medicine.
    Deadly childhood and adult “plagues” (chicken pox etc) offer innoculations.
    Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory that eases pain.
    Childhood leukemia? Medicine and making great strides towards a cure.
    Seizure medications save the lives of “demon posessed” (???) epileptics
    There are medications nowadays that have been developed by gifted men,
    gifted by God, to help save lives and/or to enable normal, healthy, useful lives
    to be lived by His children.
    How simple-minded (and closed-minded, for that matter) to whisk away mental
    disorders as sin. Judging by your judgement, you sir are the sinner.
    You are a type needing serious renewing of the mind.
    Manic-depression is a much more accurate term than bipolar since we ALL have
    both severe sadness and extreme joy in this life. The difference is much like
    comparing a sugar high after an overload and life-threatening diabetes coming on
    without any sugar being consumed.
    Those of us who suffer from psychiatric disorders (differences from the “normal order”) suffer greatly. The medications that work save families, relationships, jobs, and most importantly, lives.
    Why would any “sane” person suggest that any other person be deprived of a
    sane life?
    Psychiatric illnesses are GROSSLY overdiagnosed. I believe that is because
    a) Doctors and therapists are loose with their diagnosis to keep earning, among other reasons it behooves them to do so.
    b) They constitute a very very large number of disability claims and awards.
    All of that is unfortunate for those who really suffer and do NOT wish or try to
    claim that we are disabled. We wish to be useful to our fellow man.
    So, I’d suggest you judge not lest ye be judged and
    take the (sin) plank out of your own eye before you look for one in another’s.
    I could say so much more since I have experienced this dreadful condition for over 20 years. My doctor has “dubbed” me a doctor of my own illness because of my experiences with and without medication. (We tend to stop taking medication due MOSTLY to stigma and sometimes due to hoping we’re “cured:)
    He welcomes my input and allows me to be a partner in my care. He honors my wishes to lower doses in order to keep the treatment at a minimum.
    He has NEVER approved assistance in seeking disability because he knows from his
    own 45 years experience that this is treatable. It’s not curable -yet. And if ever it
    has been Excorcised then it was not truly manic depression. Perhaps these cases
    are emotional distress or demon posession or simply phony.
    I pray that you may be given an open mind rather than insisting you will NEVER
    believe anything but your own opinion. Opinions aren’t based on facts, they are
    determined by information and interpretation based on point of view.
    Be thankful in this: that your mind is closed and your brain falls within the
    “normal” range.
    Just be thankful. It’s a terrible illness.
    Perhaps only Alzheimers Disease can rival it.
    (There is no cure in sight for that either, nor many treatments that have much affect)
    Perhaps the brain and the mind are not the same. Perhaps both, however, are so complex that they will always only be truly understood in the Mind of God.
    Thank you for listening to an opposing, educated, experienced voice on this subject.
    May God bless you.

    • Thank you, Pam, for sharing your thoughts in such a charitable manner. All I am trying to do is offer an alternative, when mental health and medical solutions fail. If you listen to the podcast that accompanies this article, you will hear me say that I know that not all illnesses are spiritual, and that there are indeed medical causes for some illnesses. The problem, however, is that this is not always the case; yet, modern science totally disregards the spiritual to the hurt of many. The majority of medical and mental health professionals are not Christian, and so they do not believe that oftentimes the cause of many psychological illnesses are spiritual and, therefore, cannot be cured or even effectively treated purely by medical means. But mental illness is increasing at such an alarming rate, that a growing number of physicians and mental health professionals are beginning to consider the possibility of a spiritual cause of many physical and psychological disorders.

      For example, Christian counselor Kurt Koch, in the book, Occult Bondage and Deliverance quoted psychiatrist Dr. William S. Reed to have said, “Many mental and physical illnesses result, in fact, from demonic attacks. Exorcism must therefore be given a place within present day psychiatry and medicine” (pp. 14-15). In the same book, Koch, quoting an English psychiatrist, writes, “If I were able to obtain forgiveness for the sins of the patients in my clinic, I would be able to discharge half of them tomorrow” (p. 13). And Koch quotes a Christian neurologist as saying, “60% of the inmates of my psychiatric clinic are not so much suffering from mental illness as from occult subjection or even demonization” (p. 12).

      While I don’t agree with all of Koch’s assertions, he makes a very good case for the connection between mental illness and the demonic, especially epilepsy. It was Koch’s writing that first led me to consider that my own daughter’s epilepsy may have been demonic, which it was. As I relate in the podcast, when I asked my daughter’s epilepsy doctor if she thought that epilepsy may have an other than medical cause, she told me that both her mother and husband suffer from epilepsy and that she was unable to help either of them. While not all epilepsy is demonic, the Bible makes it clear that in many cases, it is. It certainly was in the case of my daughter.

      You say that I am closed minded and will never believe anything but my own opinion. But this is not true. I was one of the biggest skeptics that ever lived. My motto was, “I’m from the Show Me State,” and I would not believe anything unless I could see it with my own two eyes. Jesus changed all that. When I got saved, I told Him that I would put Him to the test, and that is exactly what I did. When I read Koch’s book, I asked Jesus to show me whether what he says was true or not, and I learned that, regarding mental illness and the demonic, Koch, as well as others, was dead on.

      If I had been closed minded, I would never have taken Koch seriously, and my daughter would probably have epilepsy this very day. But, grace be to God, I prayerfully considered what Koch said and went to the Bible for proof, which I found. Later, I took the steps necessary to deliver my daughter, who was first diagnosed with epilepsy when she was four years old, and was delivered when she was six. She will be eighteen years old this year, God willing, and she has never had another seizure. Jesus is Lord, and the devil is a liar!

      I have to constantly remind my daughter, however, that Satan has not given up on her. The first time was on me; but, now, it is all on her. It was a lot easier when she was a preteen, but now that she is almost a woman, it has been a constant struggle. We suffered one setback, as she has rebelled as do all teenagers. But, thankfully, until now, she has not descended into the type of sin that would cause her to be revisited by the demonic presence that caused her epilepsy. Now, because of what I have seen, I am a witness that there is certainly a spiritual war going on. Satan is not only after our souls; he is also after our minds.

      Your own words prove that you and I agree more than you admit. You made a very revealing statement: “If ever it (manic depression) has been Excorcised then it was not truly manic depression. Perhaps these cases are emotional distress or demon possession or simply phony.” This echoes my beliefs and those of Koch, who, quoting a renown psychiatrist, writes, “If a case of epilepsy can be cured medically, the demonic is not involved. If, however, the illness can be cured by prayer, then it was not an instance of epilepsy” (p. 10). If mental illness cannot be cured medically, then it is, in all likelihood, not medical. In such a case, we should, at the very least, consider the possibility that the cause may not be medical, but spiritual.

      The Bible teaches that it is foolish to dismiss a matter without even considering it. Please meditate on this, for your own peace of mind.

      God bless you.


  13. I read your article on Generational Curses and took the advice in earnest. I had never heard such a thing nor did I realize there was a difference from salvation and deliverance. It is worth a try so if I am no longer bi-polar and see that this is truth, I will post so in that event. I still do not agree with everything you’ve written (at this time) but I thank you none-the-less. After reading more of your posts and responses, I realized you are a biblically based, good intention-ed after Christ individual that is trying to help people and I think God can use this information for good so while I may not agree with everything, I thank you for sharing this information. God bless you.

  14. Well, I read what you wrote about Generational Curses and took the advice in earnest. It is worth a try and if my bi-polar disorder disappears, I will take back everything I have said in my earlier reply and state so. I thank you for the information and it is worth praying with the Lord about to see what His will is in this situation. While I may not agree with everything you’ve written I have, after reading most replies and posts, come to better understand that you are basing much of what you are stating on biblical teachings of truth and what you have written is being shared out of love for your fellow man and from a heart that seeks/loves Jesus Christ. You’re intentions are good and I learned some things from your responses so I would like to take a second to say that while I may not agree on everything, I am grateful for your posts and I’m glad these are here to be seen and read. I think God can use this for good for those who love Him and He will make our paths straight so there is good in some of this. Thanks. God bless you.

  15. i am christian i should know better that demons exist there alot of people who have demons especialy bc of sinful activity they often manifest if christ want to open our eyes that he is real and demons are act work to destroy us. salvation is the key to being free when we accept jesus then we can be made whole again the bible says we all fall short from the glory of god all have sin none is rightous just jesus, we need jesus to obtain help, he opening our eyes to the spiritual relm that it is real ,we didn’t make our selfes in this earth god did he loves us much that he died for us so we wouldnt perish ,no one is perfect give jesus a chance and you will not be dissapionted you with have joy and eternal life gbu all

  16. There are definitely similarities between BD and schizophrenia but there are stark differences which enable psychiatrists to easily tell the difference between the two. Do a study on the symptoms of each and you, too, will know that while similarities exist, they are two difference illnesses that require a different set of medications.

    • Hi, Laura. You are very likely right that from a symptomatic standpoint, the two vary considerably; however, from a spiritual perspective, they are actually quite similar: in fact, the cure for both is exactly the same: Jesus.


  17. Hi,
    I am considered to be Bipolar. Perhaps it is the enemy’s doing.
    I am a born again Christian.
    I just ask, if you or other Christians on here would say a prayer for me.
    Thank you

    • Born-again Christians can be bipolar, because bipolar disorder is caused by sin in your life that has not been confessed. Bipolar has nothing to do with your faith in Jesus Christ. You can be delivered of bipolar disorder if you confess the sin that brought it on. I will pray that the Holy Spirit will show you what sins you need to confess so that you can be set free. I had to do this myself after I got saved as I too was under a generational curse.

      • I’m a born again christian that has confessed my sins and am in close relation with God. Christ himself has told me that “His grace is sufficient”. Yet I still suffer from bipolar disorder. How dare anyone say it’s a lack of confession or it’s your own fault for sinning that causes you to have bipolar disorder. Paul had a condition God did not take away yet He served the Lord faithfully as His servant. I hope anyone reading this hunk of junk realizes the loving God we have that is full of Grace to cover a multitude of sins and that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us to set us free from sin but that He began a work in us that is not yet complete … that all fall short of the glory of God and that we all have our cross to bear daily. Do not listen to this load of baloney on this log post saying it’s your own fault and you are doing something wrong to make yourself have this issue. How sad to be attacked. Last time I checked, Satan is an accuser of the bretheren so doubt anyone that is an accuser. We are to love one another and love God. It’s no different than the prosperity preachers out there teaching you’d be healed if only you believed more so it’s your own fault if you’re sick of have problems. It is not your fault if you are sick. Sometimes, we just get sick. It is what it is. The truth is, we live in a fallen imperfect world and the enemy uses that to his advantage. We all suffer in various ways and Jesus promises to never leave or forsake us. Do no listen to anyone saying it’s your fault. I can’t help that I am the way I am – God is working in me and I put my faith in Him that even if I am not yet healed, I am healed by His stripes and one day, in heaven, will be whole as He would have me be. Know God loves you and He is with you always. His rod and his staff comfort us. He called us by name and we are precious in His sight.

  18. Well I pray I get healed for whatever I have mentally. Lord please lead me to a deliverance ministry. In Jesus Name Amen

  19. Christians accusing the mentally ill of being demonized. Why am I not surprised? Hey, you want to hear of a truly mentally ill entity, check out the murdering, lying, racist, homophobic, rape-advocating, child abusing, family-destroying, religiously oppressive and manipulative God of the Bible.

    As for people with actual psychological differences and struggles in daily life, I’m sorry that we have to deal with scum like this. Maybe they would have no need to preach to us “salvation” if they didn’t invoke within us the feeling that we have something spiritually wrong with us.

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