
Dr. Juanita Bynum: Prophetess or Witch? — 30 Comments

  1. For as many as are lead by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” (Romans 8:14) If you are not led by the Spirit to listen or watch her. Please find another Minister whom you believe and who will be a blessing to you. Don’t criticize, don’t accuse. Even if she is a false minister God does not need our help to deal with her. Remember king Saul and David. Even though Saul had backslided and was seeking the life of David, David never said anything about him.
    You either pray for them or you leave them alone. Thank you

    • David never said anything about King Saul because God Himself had anointed Saul, and David knew that he would soon be king in Saul’s stead. As for “Prophetess” Bynum, God never anointed her, but she merely anointed herself. It is the Christian’s job, when we ID a false prophet, to “mark that man and have nothing to do with him.” You may notice that I have only written one article about Ms. Bynum (and that was six years ago), though I could easily make a career of writing about her. That is because I have marked her, and have left her alone.

      Did Jesus merely pray for the Pharisees or leave them alone? No. “Serpents, vipers, hypocrites!”

      Did the Apostle Paul merely pray for the false prophets of his day? No. “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers…”

      Did Jude the brother of Jesus merely leave them alone? No. “These are spots on your feasts of charity…raging waves of the sea…clouds without water…wandering stars, for whom the depths of hell have been reserved for all eternity.”

      You may know that John the Baptist spoke out against King Herod marrying his brother’s wife, for which he was subsequently beheaded. Did Jesus say that John was wrong? No. To the contrary, Jesus said that there was no prophet born of a woman who was greater than John the Baptist.

      I leave you with a quote from one of my favorite movies, “Regarding Henry”:

      Qui tacet consentire videtur: “He who is silent is understood to consent.”

      Silence may be P.C., but it is not Christian.

    • The difference between this she-wolf Juanita Bynum and disobedient Saul is, she was never called of GOD or anointed by The HOLYSPIRIT to be a servant of GOD. Saul was! The vital question to ask is if we really do love The LORD JESUS and want His best for us, is to ask if this she wolf and what she does is of The HOLYSPIRIT? And remember JESUS said, ‘take heed that NO ONE(not a single person) deceives you’! GOD’s blessings to you.

  2. I am stunned by the comment this she/wolf made. She really let alot of us that do have discernment know exactly who she really is praying to. I wanted to ask you something though is not she called “ISIS” too because that is what I told my friends on facebook. If I am wrong I would like to correct myself.. Thank you for all your insight.. God bless my brother and friend..

    • If the “she” to whom you are referring is the goddess Diana, then you are correct: she was called Isis in Egypt. Isis was also called Chiun by the apostate Jews (Amos 5:26), who presumably brought the worship of this goddess back with them in the Exodus. You may want to be careful with your spelling, however, as ISIS is the acronym for the latest Islamic terrorist organization covered by the media. (I don’t believe, however, that the similarity is coincidental.) You are very welcome, Cat, and God’s peace and blessings to you and yours.

  3. Great article…I couldn’t see if someone else caught this but I like to confirm that the scriptures are biblical. The scriptures you quoted in Acts 20 are actually Acts 19. We have to test every spirit by the Word of God and this is a great test for Children of God to make sure who they think they are worshipping is really the true and living God and only Father of Jesus Christ our only Savior.

    • Thank you, Jeremiah, for catching that! I’ve made the changes in the article. Indeed the body of Christ is being tested in these last days as the Lord Jesus separates the sheep from the goats. We had better make sure we know why we believe what we believe.

  4. Are you familiar with a youtuber named PrinceJohn757? She did a series in which she exposes that Juanita was into Dianic Wicka! I dont know how you feel about links, but if you put PrinceJohn757 and Juanita Bynum in the search engine on Youtube you will be presented with an outstanding series, that is archived in her videos (she is no longer active, but her page is up):) She received much attack for it.

    • Thanks for your comment, Wendy. No, I’m not familiar with PrinceJohn757, but i will look her up. I would be very interested to see what she’s come up with. Thanks very much for the tip.

      • Wendy, I blew it BIG time. I have been so busy, that I forgot to look at the rest of the series and link to it from this site.

        If you have a copy, please get it to me and I will put it up. Check the Contacts page. I will add a mailing address where you can send it.

        • Wow! It took me to 2 years to reply.
          I blew it too!
          Unfortunately, I dont have a copy. I believe all evidence has been scrubbed from the net of her misdoings.

          Also, I love your site. Great content:)

          Be blessed!

          • Hey, Wendy! Welcome back! I think about you from time to time, because I really hate that I failed to get that video before the cleanup crew scrubbed it. But it’s just as well, because I only recently learned how to download content from YouTube. Many videos that I have linked to in other articles have been removed.

            I’m happy you like the site, and I’m even happier that you came back.

            Thanks for the blessing, to which I say, “Peace and blessings to you too Sister!”

            • By the way, Wendy, I just checked out your blog. It is outstanding! I really love the theme and the vivid photos. I will be stopping by more often, and I will check out your books.

              God bless you!

  5. WOW!!!! thank you for this very careful and clear insight! So many, too many of God’s people are being deceived by these false prohpets! We MUST pray for the innocent and lost sheep of Christ.
    Thanks again.

    • You are very welcome Kendra. Indeed, we must pray for the lost sheep, for in these last days, the deception is so profound as to cause even the most sincere Christian to pause.

      Thank God that Jesus said IF it were possible, the false prophets would fool the very elect (Matthew 24:24). It will not be possible, however, because “Greater is He that is in [us] than he that is in the world.”

  6. You need to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in your comments. Many Breasted One is another name for God, i.e. El Shaddai.

    • Thank you, for your comment Monica. El Shaddai is indeed an Old Testament name for God. However, 21st Century Christians are of the New Covenant, and the Father has been revealed to us in Jesus. When asked by the Apostle Philip to show them the Father, Jesus replied,

      “Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip he that hath seen me hath seen the Father…Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me?” (John 14:9-10).

      Therefore, there is no need to refer to God by any other name but Jesus, and we certainly don’t need to call Him “Many Breasted One.”

      Understand that God is different things to differnet people, so if you really want to know to whom a person is referring, don’t just rely on to whom he claims to be praying or speaking, also examine what he preaches, and you will know to whom he is referring, or at least to Whom he is not referring.

      “Prophetess” Bynum was typing in tongues. She was TYPING IN TONGUES. Such a thing is utterly unheard of, and is even worse than the babbling that is usually associated with speaking in tongues.

      Now, if you think that the Holy Spirit signed off on that, it is you, dear child, who must pray for guidance.

  7. Hello Stillman,

    The information that you’ve posted here is very informative and is a good reminder of the dangers of people who try to push their religious practices and are outside of bible teaching.

    Thank-you for taking the time to do such an in-depth analysis on this subject.

  8. Hi Anthony. I was surprised by your comment. I assure you I am not into witchcraft…although it seems to be all around us, just as Satan and his demons are all around us. But instead of worrying about it, we can put on the whole armour of God and stand against the wiles of the devil. I was merely sharing something that happened to me years ago. The Holy Spirit directed me when I was off track…and that was my point.

    We need not get all tangled up trying to free ourselves from generational curses when we have already been freed by the precious blood of Christ. Our walk is by faith in what Christ has done.

    On the other hand, the teaching on generational curses can put one into bondage. I am familiar with the teaching. But the Bible tells us that the blood of Christ cleanses us from all sin…1 John 1:9

    And we must leave it there.

    • I’m sorry that you were offended, Carolyn. But try to take my comment in the spirit in which it was given. I was not implying that you knowingly practiced witchcraft, I merely wanted you to know that channeling is witchcraft, and that whether we practice it knowingly or unknowingly, God’s penalty stands. I know this by personal experience. The teaching on generational curses is Scriptural, and there are many Christians who would testify to this, as many have had a difficult walk until they understood this concept and got free.

      I will not go any farther to convince you, seeing that you have already made up your mind on the subject. But understand that you are disregarding a crucial teaching. John 1:9, incidentally, applies to generational sin as well as personal sin.

  9. Hi Anthony. I post over at Chrystal’s blog…have been a regular for a while. I noticed your post and thought I would check out your blog. Your blog about Juanita’s witchcraft is well written. It interests me that the spirit that is speaking through her is identifying itself by saying “the many breasted one”.

    I was channelling poetry at one time, naively thinking that it was the Holy Spirit…but then the spirit that was at work identified itself by using a phrase about ” the yin and the yang”…and I looked it up and thought…”the Holy Spirit would not say that”…and that is when I realized that my “gift” was being energized by something other than God.

    God Bless you for your ministry and the thought provoking research that you have done. Your insights are worth reflecting on. I am still going to look up some of the things you mentioned, ie about Jupiter and Diana…connecting the dots scripturally.

    • Praise God, Carolyn, that the Holy Spirit directed you to this site. Yin and Yang are a part of Eastern mysticism, and ultimately, they are just another name for Nimrod and Semiramis, the Babylonian king and queen, who have been worshipped for thousands of years under many different names including Diana and Kernos, Apollo and Aphrodite, Isis and Osiris (Horus), etc. etc. God and goddess worship—Idolatry.

      I am grateful you now realize that the spirit you were channeling was not the Holy Spirit, but I am concerned for your spiritual well-being, because channeling is witchcraft, and witchcraft is forbidden by God. You can come under a spiritual ban or curse of God, and this will greatly affect your walk with Christ, as well as bring a curse on your children and their children. This is serious business. I strongly urge you to read my post entitled, “Breaking Generational Curses.” The post explains the how and why of generational curses and how to be free of them. It will also explain many of the activities that God considers abominable and that we, as Christians, should avoid. I encourage you to read it prayerfully. God bless you, dear child, and I will be praying for you.

      • Man of GOD, please keep up the good work and doing GOD’s will till you hear Our Glorious LORD and Saviour JESUS say to you and us, ‘well done thou and good faithful servant’! GOD bless you for your GODLY discernment in The HOLYSPIRIT!

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