
Does Anyone Have a Lent Brush? — 4 Comments

  1. I enjoyed most of your responses to my comment above. Really nice.

    However, I do not agree with you on certain items:

    1. Sabbath Day: It is meant for everyone. If we are followers of Jesus Christ, thereby adopted Jews, then we need to rest on the day Our Father says His children should rest. It is also medically proven that resting between Friday Evening and Saturday Evening enhances the healing properties of our bodies. With that in mind, I ask you, when do you want to rest? Friday to Saturday as God and Medical Science says or Sunday as Catholic church says?

    So what if they broke bread on the first day of the week. That does not mean they did not keep the Sabbath. How about when Paul advised them not to gather themselves nor make a collection on the first day of the week? Does this one time statement mean forever, let there be no collection nor gathering on the first day of the week? Did the 11 not get together on other days of the week to break bread? HA!
    Sunday worship is strictly a Roman Catholic invention has nothing to do with the Apostles. They were not breaking bread because they found the tomb empty on Sunday. Roman Catholics changed the worship of Apollo day to the Lord’s day. And as far as some ex-catholic priests deep in the Vatican is concerned, Apollo is still the Lord they refer to for Sunday Worship.

    2. Women dressing like whores preaching in Church: You avoided the main part of the discussion and focused only on you. Many of us in the PEW have a hard time dealing with lust, especially of our Christian sisters. Is there a reason why Paul said women should be properly covered while in Church? Is there a reason why a Christian woman should dress differently than a whorish woman? Is there a reason why women of Islam “respect themselves” as per choice of attire for Mohamed’s sake better than Christian women? Please focus on proper dress attire for Christian women and women preaching and teaching in Church. Amen.

    5. Tithes and offerings… funny you should bring up all the quotes but not address the freedom of brothers and sisters in Christ who are in slavery to the System. Okay. So I am going to give you a chapter Deuteronomy 12 and 14. Read these carefully and tell me why when God demands for 5/6 different items not just Tithes, we are only giving 1 or 2 out of 5 or 6 to God. How is that acceptable? On what level can you go to God and say 1 out of 5/6 you have asked, I have brought to you, please accept. The other 4 or 5 is not necessary because???? It becomes necessary to do all 5/6 depending on Chapter 12 or 14.

    I said it always, God of Heaven does not need our money. He requires our devotion. Our brothers and sisters in Christ, head deep in financial slavery needs our money. Thats where tithing and offering should go. NOT to church building projects nor money hungry pastors. Malachi is strictly for Levi priests. I don’t know if you are a Levi priest but I am not.

    6. Toleration of sin: Errr, what did Paul do to some guy sleeping with his fathers wife in Corinth? He handed him over to satan for destruction. Harsh isn’t Paul? Is this figurative or spiritual or actually the poor sinner died by satans hand? 1 Cor 5

    Does the church approve or deny marriage? If the Church approves marriage why should they sit there and watch people divorce? Is it not for the Church to help fix a marriage rather than support divorce? It is not for the Church who married a couple to find remedies to the problems of their broken marriage? Okay. I am not going to that church because what God joined, let no man, nobody put asunder. Church included.

    7. Visiting friends: Of course they are Christians friends and double of course I will bet talking about Jesus, Salvation and road to God with unbelievers. Of course. I was simply stating the best fellowship, the gathering not to be forsaken is that of Christian brothers and Sisters. Amen.

    Wives: How many men in your church has had sexual relations with more than woman. There you go? Each time a man sleeps with a woman, he takes himself a wife.

    I may not be King David, which you agree, God gave David wives. But how about Moses. How about Abraham? How about Lamech? How about all the other heroes of our beloved Bible? How about the commandment from Paul, it is better to be married than burn? Was that statement to the Corinthians for married men committing adultery or single men fornicating or both? How about Paul to Timothy?

    What do you do when a church member gets two or three women pregnant? Abandon them and pay child support? Or Do what Abraham did, take care of all three wives and kids? How do you know God doesn’t give men today wives? If God can do it for David who was a “gangsta” for Israel and the Name of God, why not me? Why not you? I say David was a “gangsta” because a) he had a gang of followers. b) because he killed people:- 200 men lost their penis foreskins because he was taking a wife. I am not a gangsta. I am a simple man.

    Bible says if a man has sexual relations with a woman, that woman is his wife and the man must pay her bride price. Lord Jesus said there is no divorce except a woman/man commits fornication prior to the wedding (fusion, union, honeymoon night).
    So to add it all, if you, or the readers of this nice blog or your fellow church members have slept with more than 1 woman, get ready for a surprise on Judgment day when God asks you what you did with your wives. =)

    Hey if you feel I am wrong being responsible for women I had slept with, pray for me that God give me strength to endure, be patient, study His word more and truly get to know Jesus. Besides, even God says He has two wives (Israel and Judah)

    Regarding the Bible Quotations…. I will tell that in 25 years of knowing of Jesus Christ, I have only found a few who go and verify Bible Quotations. Bible quotes starts arguments. Bible quotes stirs up strife. I have traveled overseas and I know first hand witnessing to church goers that quoting Bible passages only fuels a fire of constant debate. Its better for them to go read the whole chapter, the whole book or the entire Bible than for me to throw out a Chapter and Verse quote that is in the long run just words in the air.

    I mean in the secular world of Science, I have never heard a fellow scientist quote a Book, Chapter and verse during a discussion. I mean when they make reference to a Law or formula, it is expected that, as a fellow scientist, you KNOW. Exception being when we publish our works.

    Jesus expects you to know also, if not He would not have sent those guys off to go read, then return for discussion. Amen.

    With all that I am going to say Ezekiel Chapter 2.

    I love reading your Blog. It has encouraged me. I hope my words encourage others also.

    Peace be unto you and Grace from God Amen.

    • Simpleman, I think I have been very gracious thus far. I have not only responded to your comment, but I have done so thoughtfully and respectfully, even giving your comment center stage for the edification of the body of Christ. Please don’t ask me to do more.

      I will let these comments stand, because you write and express yourself well, and it is obvious that you put time and thought into them. But I will not be discussing this matter any further.

      I am grateful that you find the material here edifying and encouraging and your presence here is very welcome.

  2. Hello Still Man:

    I like you stopped attending Church because I cannot find any GOD approved, Jesus sanctioned Church “gatherings”. I say this because, I believe also that almost all religious denominations under the banner of “Church” are offspring of the Whore spoken about in Revelation. As you pointed out, they are ecumenical. My beef against all such-so-called organizations of man-made “traditional” Christianity is as follows:

    1. Easter: Our Lord Jesus Christ is not a lair. He specifically said, 3 days, 3 nights; meaning 72 consecutive hours. Good Friday to Easter Sunday does not translate to 72 hours. Therefore, either the Church is wrong or Bible author is wrong. I will not dare say Our Lord is wrong or add Him to that sentence. “Church” people need to get it right. If this premise, which is the basis of our Religion, the resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ cannot be validated with Church, then…. I am sorry to say, it is not Church of Christ but of Satan. I figure 72 hours from the Evening before the Sunday morning…. meaning Wednesday being the day Our Lord was crucified not Friday.

    2. You mentioned Christmas…. but add to this. Christmas was chosen by Catholics on or about 1500 because almost every other Pagan-satan-nature worshiping religion had their “Sun” god die Dec 21 (Winter Solstice) (a big day for practicing witches) and is reborn Dec 25th. God does not share pagan holidays. God does not take a pagan holiday and convert it to His holy day. If the Lord was born around September/October and there are documents to prove this, why change His birthday? I would be furious if my parents, friends and well-wishers delayed my birthday celebration by 3 months, gave each other gifts and expected satan-claus to come through the chimney, which is some other day, other than the front door. (Meaning, satan-claus is a thief and a robber, per Our Lords definitions)

    3. The doctrine and faith of Jesus Christ: Most churches have turned into entertainment centers. You go there for praise and worship, get a good show, pay before you get some positive lecture, then go home. Repeat next Sunday. Most up-to-times Churches now have women dressed as whores on stage singing and preaching with painted faces and duck-puckered-lips.
    I ask you, where is “God” in the whore? Can a whore-dressed woman preach and teach the Bible without a man or woman think of breasts, hips, hair and sex?

    How can a manly-man of God focus on the teaching, singing and preachings of God when his eyes are watching these women in high heels and short skirts or tight pants, camel-toes and push-up bras, shake their hips and bounce their breasts as they take the stage. We might as well go to a strip club and have one of the girls read us the Bible as she tease and strips. The former is of more damaging effect to the soul than the later. Not that I have ever gone to a strip club, nor do i want to go.

    Besides this, most preachers, church leaders, members of the board of the church are Freemasons, witches or members of other satanic organizations. They preach what “Headquarters” or board members says they should preach not from the Holy Spirit. They are even bold to invite church members to become part of their philanthropic satanic-lodges. I have heard of Pastors being kicked out of church for preaching from the BIBLE from their heart and not an approved sermon.

    Worship and Praise? Please show me where Lord Jesus said we should be doing such in public? I mean, He sang Hymns and Psalms in a private garden.

    But worship… thats a big one…. when Bible people Worshiped God and gave Him Glory it is not like we see in Church today. People jumping up and down, carrying-on like its a rave-fest… King David may have dance semi-naked in public but would we want our women to copy suit? how about our young men dancing semi-naked in church? Thats a gay invitation for homosexuals in church.

    Can we use King David as our example on how to worship God?
    David may have used musical instruments but no part of that was electronic nor did he use drums. Drums are used in voodoo and witchcraft to set followers into a trance for the allowance of possession by demons and devils. The same effect is seen in Church today when people get into a trance by the beating of drums by the church drummer. They become influenced by devils and claim they received the Holy Spirit. I know of this first hand because for many many years I have been attending such Churches. Drums carry peoples spirit away. Just listen to the “beat” next time you attend. I recommend you use a recording device and analyze it later when you are sober and not under their influence.

    Jesus the Christ commanded we worship God in our hearts and minds and soul. Inwardly where no one can see nor make jest of us.

    4. Sabbath Day and Holy Days: They simply cannot obey and keep the Sabbath Day holy. They change the Sabbath day from Saturday to Sunday. Who gave them that authority? Isn’t it the Antichrist that changes the Signs and Times of God? This change did not happen while the 12 Apostles where running the show. It occurred over 300+ years later in reverence to Apollo (Apollyon in Revelation may be) the sun god of Rome (Greece, Egypt and other places). As Apostle Paul said, observing holidays will not get you to Heaven but God, the Father of All, said, this is THE sign that people will know you are my children. This is an EVERLASTING covenant between HE and we and our children to come, forever. Why is the Church breaking and everlasting commandment of God?

    5. Tithing, offerings and money collection: Money is needed in this day and age as it was then to buy and free slaves. This being true today. Most of us are under slavery of mortgages, car payments, credit cards, school loans, etc. How come the Church not setting us free? Where does all the money go? Money corrupts, church money corrupts definitely. Pastors living in lavish mansions, expensive cars, have private jets and acquiring the services of $10,000+ whores per night. I know of Pastors over thousands and thousands who demand a cover charge for a person to come to church on Dec 31st. Others who demand a hefty fee before you can be seen, blessed or prayed for by these wolves in sheep clothing.

    Once I was in church about to put $100 into the tithe envelope and I remembered my mother. My mother 7000+ miles away, living in dire conditions or the Church, the pastor and his 7 kids, the Church board members. You know who got my money. How about my friend whose electric is about to be cut off? Or the other one who cannot make their car payment? Or a dad who looses the right to see his kids because he cannot afford child support? Who do I give my money to?

    Where did this 10% doctrine come from? If God demanded 30% why rob God of 20%? How about the child that “opens” the womb? He wants all our first born children… so what about that? How about taking my tithes, offerings and choice vows, converting it to money, going to a restaurant to eat and drink as commanded by God because I cannot go to Jerusalem nor the New Jerusalem?

    I cannot find 1 part in the New testament where we are REQUIRED to pay 10% to the Church or God. I cannot find a part in Malachi where 10% is required of the common church fellow. It is a sham. These folks are liars and thieves. They steal from the poor continuously. I have offered $500 to anyone who shows me a tithing requirement from Jesus the Christ. It’s not in the Bible.

    Why did the Lord Jesus not pass a collection plate at the Sermon on the Mount. At least 5000 men were there, not counting children (50000) and women (at least 10,000). Imagine $1 from everyone there that day. There would be enough bread to last his 3 year ministry.
    And again He had another instance where He could have collected from 4000 men not counting women and children.

    The Apostles received a collection from cheerful donors. They used it to send people to the mission field and to buy new converts out of slavery.

    Today all money from all churches still got to Rome through the City of London (not London City). It all still ends up in Mammons hand.

    The church leaves almost all in the Pews in destitution. Why should I go there?

    6. Toleration of Sin: Most Churches are now tolerant of Homosexuality. They are tolerant of Divorce and many, many other sins. They take the name of God in vain by calling themselves by His name. Lets take the 10 commandments and see if Churches today tolerate sin okay:

    1. Have no other Gods but God: Churches hurry to finish their sermons before 1pm because Sunday football cannot be missed (prior to TIVO).
    2. Worship no images or statues: Churches have pictures, crosses and statues inside the Church Building and people go and bow to them. Church people also carry crosses as charms and signs that they are encouraged by the church to do so.
    3. Take the name of the Lord in Vain. They say they are followers of Christ but we know they follow money, women, earthly pleasures, food, drugs, secret societies. Although God is not His Name but His Title, you hear church going young women exclaim OMG and their filthy mothers too.
    4. Keep the Sabbath day: If you “worship” on Sunday, your a commandment breaker. Church calls Sunday the Lords day and ignores Saturday- God’s day.
    5. Honor Father and Mother: I don’t know how you can when Father and Mother are doing sins far greater than kids. Now kids strongly desire to do greater sins than parents.
    6. Do not Kill: They put Him to shame every easter re-enactment. I don’t see Moslem’s or Buddhists doing this to their Man. They kill each others love. They kill the love for the One true God.
    7. Do not commit Adultery: I don’t know how this can be prevented as almost every woman in church paint their face, dress like whore and talk like whore.
    8. Do not steal: Church steal from poor and call it tithing. Money makes pastors rich while people remain in poverty and slaves to the economic system.
    9. Bearing false witness: Church lies about birthday of Christ, Deathday of Christ and Resurrection Day of Christ. They tell more lies so numerous to tell. Just compare your church with Matthew 5, 6 and 7 and you will instantly quit. If you don’t you must be Goat not Sheep.
    10. Lust: How can Church prevent lust between members or within itself? This one gets us every time we attend Church. This the biggest of all commandment breaking.

    So to sum up, if your Church is breaking 1 commandment, they are breaking all and you need to look for the Real Church of Christ, which is you (no building required)

    Gospel of Thomas said, God is in you and not in Buildings made of wood and Stone as they where then. Today it is steel, brick and stained glass.

    Do not let them hook you with the assembly of brethren (Book of Hebrews) as Satan uses the Scriptures to Tempt people into Provoking God.

    What really counts is how we love our ourselves and share our lives with ourselves. The assembly of brethren includes visiting a friend or friends, eating and talking about Christ, how we can help each other out of economic slavery. Dependency on Credit. Breaking away from the need to acquire the most current technological trends. Eating the word of God together. Encouraging each other. This I will attend daily. This I will attend weekly. And on Saturday, I will chill out from all my labors, enjoy my wives and children.

    I said WIVES and I mean WIVES. God GAVE King David WIVES, and he has blessed me thus. Paul wrote Timothy telling him that in the last days people will prevent men from getting WIVES. So don’t crucify me. Remember what happened to the siblings of Moses because he married extra wife?

    So with this in mind, I recommend you stop going to man-made church and perhaps organize a fellowship for you and your friends and family and do the Christian thing not like Roman Catholics and her daughters do, but as followers of Christ did.

    Peace be with you and all who read. Blessings reside with you. Now and always, Amen.

    PS Please forgive me for not providing quotes of Scriptures mentioned here. I am sorry for those who do not know Scripture. Lord Jesus never ever provided Chapter and Verse to anybody. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO KNOW. If you don’t know, Lord Jesus recommends you go read, when you have done so, come back lets talk. I am only copying His Holy Example. For thus it is written.
    Blessed are you who read and know the Scriptures. Amen

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