
I Will Greatly Multiply Thy Sorrows — No Comments

  1. Thanks for the article! I have always heard Adam and Eve blamed each other when God confronted them. Do you think this is the case?

    • No, Autumn, I don’t think Adam and Eve blamed each other. What they did was what most children do when they get caught what their hand in the cookie jar: they passed the buck. They did everything but ‘fess up and say, “I did what you told me not to do.”

      When they sinned, God asked Adam a very simple and direct question: “Hast thou eaten of the tree whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?” The simple truthful response would have been, “Yes, Lord.” But Adam proceeded to implicate his wife. (1 Timothy 2:14). Though Eve’s disobedience caused Adam to sin (the Bible teaches that Adam was not deceived), he could have refused to eat the fruit. But, because he loved his wife, he ate it, preferring to die with her rather than live without her. What a man!

      As for Eve, God likewise asked her a very simple question: “What is this that thou hast done?” The simple truthful response would have been, “I ate the fruit that you commanded me not to eat.” But, like Adam, Eve blamed the serpent. Though it is true Satan deceived her, Eve chose to disobey God and heed the serpent’s council.

  2. This article has blessed me so much. THank YOU. I hâve had trouble in the past BECAUSE i am fairly independent and i was predominantly raised by women so i hâve ALWAYS seen women fend for themselves and survive without a man. The curse of feminism definitely creeped into my family. I realize now some of the mistakes i made in my previous marriage. I intend to apply thèse teachings in my next and final marriage which is coming up very soon. Is taking care of the household such as paying the bills BECAUSE you make more money considered usurping the man’s authority? Because i hâve à tendency to initiate things WE need to do, especially when it comes to finances. I’m very goal oriented and i write all my objectives down and that MAY come OFF as being pushy or bossy. How far can a woman go or how independent CAN she be without getting in serpent territory?

    • How independent a woman should be depends largely on your definition of independent. The Bible says that when a man and woman marry, they become “one flesh.” It also says that the man’s body is not his own and the woman’s body is not her own. At the end of the day, therefore, the man and the woman are no longer “independent”: that is, two autonomous beings, working independent of one another, but ONE BEING: that is, two autonomous beings, working in concert with one another as ONE PERSON. In that it is impossible for a person’s right hand to not know what the left hand does, this means that the man does nothing without first consulting (when possible and practical) the wife. Likewise, the woman should make no (major) decisions without first consulting her husband.

      As far as how far a woman can go without getting into serpent territory, a woman will not traverse this territory as long as she remembers that her husband is the head of the family, and, as such, should be the final authority. That a woman earns more than her husband should make no difference at all, as long as no one makes it a difference. Who takes care of paying the bills should not depend upon who makes more money, but upon who is best at paying the bills. If that is you, then no, that is not usurping your husband’s authority. If your husband is better at handling money, however, and prefers to do so, then you should let him. Personally, I’m better at handling money than my wife. But I have always encouraged her to do so; for one, so that she can get better at it, but, primarily, so that in the event something happens to me, she will not be blindsided by this sudden responsibility.

      Money has always been an issue in my marriage, because there is a history of rebellion in my wife’s family, and she insists on having a separate financial identity from me. This is because she likes spending money irresponsibly, and I am rather conservative. Separate financial identities are not healthy for any marriage, so, as you can probably imagine, we have great problems in that area. This is something to be expected, if you consider that I am an evangelist and my wife is not saved.

      If you want to avoid such problems, therefore, let your husband be the leader of the family, as the Bible says. You choose to be the heart, while letting your husband be the head. The head may get more attention, but without the heart, the body would die.

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