It’s In The Bible: The All Seeing Eye
Grace and peace, Saints.
We’re all famaliar with the so-called All Seeing Eye on the back of our one-dollar bill. Some say it is the All-Seeing Eye of Horus, the Egyptian Sun God. Others say it is the eye of Providence. Still others say it is the All-Seeing Eye of Lucifer, called Satan.
Whatever the truth is, one thing is clear: it is not of God. Why? Because God is not into occultism. And this symbol is as occult as they come. If it is not of God, then it is of Satan. And if it is of Satan, then it is satanic.
Now, it has been said that everything that Satan does is based on the Bible. In other words, no matter what Satan does, there is a passage of Scripture somewhere that explains it. Whether this is always true, I cannot say. But I can certainly tell you that, in my experience, it has been true on more than one occasion. And it is certainly true of the All-Seeing Eye.
People have racked their brains trying to figure out the true meaning of the All-Seeing Eye. But Jesus has already provided the answer for us:
“The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!”
Matthew 6:22-23
Jesus said that if your eye be single, then your whole body shall be full of light. With regard to Satan, this is a reference to 2 Corinthians 11:14, where Satan is called an “angel of light.” Before he was cast down, Satan was called Lucifer, which means “light bearer.” Satan hates his new name, and has continued to promote himself as Lucifer, the Light Bearer. That is why the eye in the pyramid has rays of light emanating from it. But Jesus said that if your eye is evil, then your whole body shall be full of darkness. So, while Satan can transform himself into an angel of light, the light which shines from him is no longer bright: it is dark. Satan is the prince of darkness.
As far as his church is concerned, Satan is the head of the Satanic (Luciferian) church as Jesus is the head of the Christian church. That is the one meaning of the pyramid of which the All-Seeing Eye is the capstone. The pyramid represents the Luciferian body of initiates and the Eye is Satan. Now this pyramid consists of several levels, which some say represent the various organizations of the Satanic hierarchy. While we can’t substantiate this, it is not really important. It suffices to say that one meaning of the pyramid is that it represents Satan’s church.
Jesus said that if your eye is single, then your whole body would be full of light. As Jesus is the head of the Christian (READ Protestant) Church and we are His body, Satan, represented by the eye, is the head of his church, and his body–his followers–is “full of light.” This is why Satan’s followers refer to themselves as “light workers.” But since Satan’s eye is evil, then his “body” or church, is full of darkness. And how great is that darkness!
But we must also remember that symbols always have at least two levels of meaning. The esoteric or secret inner meaning is intended for the highest levels of initiates, while the exoteric or outer meaning (or meanings) is intended for the uninitiated (whom the Mystery Schools refer to as the “profane”) or lower level initiates. The All Seeing Eye I believe, is one of the exoteric interpretations, while the esoteric or hidden meaning is something quite different. On one level it is an emblem of Satan, but on another level it represents Nimrod, the first king of ancient Babylon, and his wife Semiramis.

Much of the world still worships Nimrod and Semiramis, the first king and queen of ancient Babylon. After Nimrod’s death, he was deified as Orion, the Sun God (also called Sol and Sol Invictus, the Unconquerable Sun). Nimrod’s wife, Semiramis, was known as Opthalmitis, “the goddess of the eye,” and Rhea “the Gazer,” while Nimrod was called Janus “the Seer.” With this in mind, the eye symbolism takes on a whole new meaning.
Read more about it here.
You see, it’s all in the Bible.
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
Did you notice how the pyramid has got 13 layers or steps to get to the all-seeing eye? And also the Roman numbers at the base which come to 1776?
The banknote is loading with occultism, it’s a no brainer.
Please note that when clicking on Read about it here, at the end of the article, the link is invalid.
I just wanna say that I love you my brother
Thank you for standing in front of God with your back towards him and a sword to defend him. I kno he greatly appreciates it!!!!
I think I am Michael the Arch Angel but who knows right. All I can do is wait 
To the The Still Man you are absolutely right and if these people had a personal relationship with God like they should he would reveal these things to them. Man will steer you wrong you need to seek God people in everything you do and read and reread and study and look things up. The Still Man knows exactly what he is talking about. I have brought witches to Christ and had dealings with demons. It is not an easy job but that is what God hath used me for! Do not be fooled that is what the devil wants you to be therefore when he is on the scene you will be blinded and not know the difference. Seek and you shall find knock and the door will be opened! Do your research and stay prayed up. Our money is evil, the all seeing eye is evil, and the masons are a cult. But you need to learn that yourself! And then and only then can you help others!
I have seen this in my head. Others use my head enslaved as one gods kings. Second coming of savior jerry Steven devane\doublehead. Threatened by plant agent families working oligarchy of genocide practice choosing to murder me and mom instead of being forgive. I so they try involve Jacksonville FL Dwight Johnston James strong profiteer in murder my family
I thought it meant the presence of the Holy Spirit. Its a comforting symbol to me.
Not exactly, my friend; but if it brings comfort to you, then God bless you.
Horus eye is clearly satanic. I have experienced its negative influence and I see how it interferes into people’s live by changing the past and present day reality.
Your disregard for the scriptures I quoted in my initial comment “is as satanic as they come” as well Mr. ‘Still Man’.
What a liar and loser you are!
The all seeing eye is the one person on earth which sees everything and its like no matter what.when that one person wakes up they will ways gonna be in the same body they fell asleep with. no matter what they will be the one who sees everything who feels everything t they are the one who walks the life of man.basically the son of god its up to him to be mankinds savior and after his life is over mankind will be judged basically judgment day
Hi am brian iv been taking picks in the mirror and a green eye apears in all my picks with a purple eye please could u tell me what it all means and at yhis min iv been going threw a very very powerfull healing iv got the piicks 2 prove it here is my e mail or can any 1 tell me
Hi Brian. Sorry, but I have no idea what that means. Hope someone can help you out though. God bless.
So much negativity in the world and I guess it doesn’t just stop here. If you want to teach people, then Amen, that’s a god send, and so be it but when someone comes to you and the negative finger gets pointed that you know everything, that they are wrong, just makes me wonder how many people really are under a spell of not good, rather evil. If Jesus and God are all good then I’m sure that their intentions were not for war or hate or dissention. Two wrongs do not make a right. I think there is mass confusion. God separated the language of men, Babel. Take a silent still approach, otherwise I consider it all toxic blasphemy. I will not bow down and worship to any man that thinks he knows it all or has it all figured out just right. I was led here because of a question I had that never does seem to get answered. I will wait on the Lord and he will give me new strength. I feel like Job, many a time times time. And I am female.
The Still Man is right people. Believe what he has written here. The US is foundered on secretive principles that most God fearing American’s would be shocked at. Have a look at the street map of Washington DC. The Goat head was built into the street plan.
What a blatant occultist symbol, how much more obvious can it get.
US is governed by Satan. Not only the US but the whole world is under the devil’s control.
Keep it real.
John 8:12 “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in Darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life”
I like what you wrote, but it’s what you didn’t write that is the problem. You utterly failed to show that the all seeing eye is also a Biblical symbol in Psalm 33:18 and Ezra 5:5 and other verses.
Your article is a huge half-truth!
Nice try, but no cigar, Nate. The All-Seeing Eye is in no way a Biblical symbol. That is a lie from the pit of Hell of the type commonly perpetrated by Freemasons and other witches who contend that their activities are Biblical and therefore justifiable. “Handmaiden of Christianity?” Negative son! The All-Seeing Eye is in no way Biblical. If my article is a half-truth, it still has more merit than your comment, which is an outright lie.
So really you are saying every symbol used for Evil becomes Evil even if the original intentions were for good? That the Evil has the power to tarnish anything it touches, and then for ever and ever it will have an Evil meaning? Damned be the idea of the Omnipotence of God? Because that is what it sounds like you are saying. Which would also mean that anyone who puts up a “Star of Bethlehem” is a satanist. Because the Star of Bethlehem was originally the Star of Ishtar. WHICH would also make the Queen of the Hebrews Evil as well, as the name Esther is obviously just another version of Ishtar. Those EVIL SATAN WORSHIPING JEWS! (WINK!)
There are symbols that are godly and there are symbols that are satanic. If a symbol is godly, then Satan can do what he wants to make it satanic, but it won’t mean a thing to the godly. If a symbol is satanic, like the so-called Star of Bethlehem, then no amount of dressing will make it godly. According to the Bible, a REAL star, not a symbol of a star appeared above the manger where Jesus was born, and that star served one purpose: to guide the wise men from the East to Bethlehem. And it worked. There is no need for a [ahem] “star of Bethlehem” now.
According to the Bible, the apostate Jews made those stars as “symbols” for Nimrod whom they worshiped as Moloch, Chiun, and Remphran (Amos 5:26, Acts 7:43). This is where the so-called “Star of Bethlehem” and the Star of David actually came from, as God never authorized a star as a symbol for Israel. Israel in the Bible is symbolized by a woman, a candlestick and an olive tree, never a star.
Regarding the Star of Ishtar, take a close look at the Starbucks logo, and you will see that the goddess wearing the star on her forehead has what appears to be two tails coming out of the water behind her, and her arms are holding them. Do a little research, and you will see that this filthy sex goddess (Ishtar) is actually holding her tails apart to show her big, hairy sex organ. That’s a “good” symbol huh? Notice also that this goddess is wearing a crown. There is your so-called Queen of the Hebrews. God-fearing Hebrews have no queen; they have a King–God. Idol-worshipping apostate Jews, however, do have a queen and she goes by many names, including Ishtar, Diana, and, most recently, the Virgin Mary, whom Roman Catholics call the Star of the Sea.
The whole Star of Bethlehem was invented by apostate Jews so that they could worship their goddess under the very gaze of so-called Christians, most of whom only use their Bibles as a paperweight. The whole purpose of an occult symbol is to hide something satanic out in plain sight.
Nice try, Marie, but no cigar (Wiiiinnnnkkk!).
I see you were too much of a coward to read, or quote the Bible verses that I listed on the all seeing Eye!!!
Thank you for this insight. I cannot tell you how much it is appreciated. My prayer has been for Jesus to reveal anything that is not of God. I did not expect answers to this extent. But i am greatful for every prayer answered. We live in very dark times where we as God’s creation are surrounded by evil in many forms. I have been reading about mind control programming also used in the occult. Breaks my heart that so many of us christians are not equiped enough to help share the truth about the gospel and bring more hearts closer to Jesus. This world is overwelmed with technology and it is satans goal that at some point it might distance our souls from the love of God, being unable to make a spiritual connection with our Father in heaven.
Our generations need to wake up and spread truth and awareness about false security. Jesus is all we will ever need.
You are very welcome, Celeste, and you are absolutely correct about everything you said, especially about the ultimate goal of technology being to distance us from the love of God. This is very insightful and I could not agree with you more. True: many, if not most of the body of Christ is not equipped to share the truth with the lost; but, I truly believe that if we really want to do that, we need only pray to the Lord Jesus and ask Him to show us the truth and provide a way for us to share that truth.
That is what I did. Before the Lord Jesus revealed these things to me, all I did was pass out gospel tracts and preach on the streets. But, in His own way and in His own time, the Lord Jesus provided a way for me to share what He has revealed to me with others. He will do the same for anyone who asks Him. God bless you and yours.
I believe our money is the 7 headed beast in Rev 13. It has 7 heads 1$2$5$10$20$50$100$ bills 7 of them with the name of blasphemy on thier for heads “In God We Trust” Jesus said you can’t serve God and mammon. It’s also the world reserve currency. And we have people from around the world trying to get our money, rob, Id theft and it also has something to do with the son of perdition in 2nd Thesolonians 2 that’s the false prophet the 666 man. I believe it’s our next president.
Hi, Matt. I appreciate your interest in this subject, but, I assure you the Mark of the Beast is far from being our money. I did a video on the Mark of the Beast that I highly suggest you check out as it will definitely bless you.
You are right. If it is not from God, it’s from the devil. As a kid I remember wondering why an Egyptian pyrimid would be on the dollar bill. It seemed out of place. I asked my father about it and apparently there was already some understanding of it being occult even back in the 70s. All this didn’t really sink in until recently. It seems as if there is an eye on everything. I can’t watch a show anymore without them showing a shape or flash of an eye or a person hiding one eye. Its all over commercials, shows and movies which I don’t watch much of anymore. Childrens programs too. They also show a lot of the spiral symbol or the circle within a circle symbol which are also satanic. Even Christian shows are flashing an eye. Is it all deliberate or am I just being overly aware of these symbols now? They are on slogans too. I went to a christian church with really nice people but on their slogan was a blue eye and it made me question that church. I havent quite figured out what it all means yet. What I don’t understand is why most of these pastors don’t know this stuff and aren’t warning their flocks of subliminal messaging.
What it all means, friend, is that the mystery religion is coming back with a vengeance. Occultist Alice Bailey in her book, “Externalization of the Hierarchy” said that it was through the church and the Masonic Fraternity that the mystery religion of ancient Babylon would be “outed” to the world. That is why these occult symbols can be seen everywhere now. They are subtly indoctrinating the mass of humanity into the Luciferian mindset.
Many of these so-called pastors do, in fact, understand. Satan has his ministers standing in the pulpits of Christian churches all over the world. Other pastors are ignorant of these things, because they went to Jesuit-controlled seminaries or Bible colleges and were deliberately kept ignorant of the spiritual warfare that is waging. Finally, other pastors, I believe are a reluctant part of the agenda. Former Jesuit priest Alberto Rivera said that while a Jesuit his mission was to infiltrate and destroy Christian churches, seminaries, and Bible colleges. One way he did that, he said, was by setting up the pastor with a beautiful girl who would seduce him to commit adultery. Afterwards, Rivera would threaten to expose and destroy the pastor if he wouldn’t relent on his stance against the Catholic church. I can personally vouch for Rivera’s testimony, as they have tried to set me up on numerous occasions, in this same manner. We are in a war.
Well if you eye is single than your body is full of light. The eye in the back of the dollar bill is single therefore it is good. Being full of light is good. Satan masquerades as an angel of light, but that does not mean that the angels of light don’t look like satan. People think everything belongs to satan, but it doesn’t. That eye is God’s alone and his eye is sing and his body is full of light. People who are pure in heart see God but the people who are corrupt see corruption in which case they see satan and false gods, not God who created all things.There is many proverbs that speak of the eye singularly and it is not talking about satan but about God. Occultism? Do you know the definition, he is an occultic God by the definition “involving in the supernatural” because he does the supernatural.
I think you mean well, but you are incorrect about a great many things. For one, God is not an “occultic” God. God does everything out in the open. We may not understand what He is doing at the time or why He is doing it, but, at some point, God will always reveal His intentions to us (hence the Book of the Revelation). God doesn’t keep His people in the dark.
When David sinned, God told him that He would punish David saying, “For thou didst it secretly, but I will do this thing before all Israel and before the sun” (2 Samuel 12:12).
God doesn’t keep secrets. Before Jesus went to the cross, He told His disciples that from that point on, He would call them His friends rather than His servants, because, while a servant doesn’t know what his master does, Jesus had told His disciples everything He was doing (John 15:15).
Jesus is not into the occult.
Jesus not only described the single eye that is full of bright light, but also the single eye that is full of dark light. If Jesus told us about it, then it exists. And if it exists, then we would be fools not to recognize it when we see it. The eye on our dollar bill is full of dark light. Evidence of this is that the eye sits in a capstone surmounting an Egyptian pyramid. Egypt is symbolic of spiritual depravity and idolatry. Recall that the Book of the Revelation refers to Jerusalem as spiritual Sodom and Egypt (Revelation 11:8). Moreover, around the pyramid are two Latin phrases. The Bible refers to Latin as “dark speech” (Daniel 8:23) because most people can’t understand it. That is why the Roman Catholic church killed William Tyndale for translating the Bible into English. They didn’t want the common man to be able to read it for himself. Latin is an occult language which is why not only the Roman Catholic church uses it, but also Satanism and witchcraft.
And why would an Egyptian pyramid and Latin phrases be on an American dollar bill? Isn’t English our language? If it were an Egyptian dollar bill, then it would be no surprise to see an Egyptian pyramid on it. If it were an optometrist’s office, then the eye symbolism would be appropriate. And if the United States was in Rome, then Latin on our money would be understandable. But, since none of these is the case, then it is obvious that the pyramid and the eye as well as the Latin phrases are all symbols for something un-American. And when you think about what and why America is and what it represents to those who are against it, then you will understand that the ubiquitous dollar bill is a symbol of something (and someone) that (and who) is against all that America is and represents.
True, everything is not of Satan. But, rest assured, what is not of God is of Satan. And the “All-Seeing Eye” is as satanic as they come.