
Scouts Honor — No Comments

  1. Wow, How unfortunate. It is sad to think that such animals are becoming more apparent. Graham James in hockey, now this creep in scouts.

    As a coach, leader and parent, I enjoy being involved to enjoy what these great organizations offer, not to be able to prey on unsuspecting, fragile beings.

    These actions by these certain sick people make it much worse for everyone else.

    If these actions continue, these organizations will soon dissappear.

    • No doubt, Shawn. It’s getting to the point now that practically every week there is a revelation of child abuse by someone in a position of trust in a trusted institution.

      Penn State, for example, is up to their necks in scandal because of the defensive coach who has been charged with sexually abusing several young boys over a ten-year period. And like the Scouts, it was known that this man was a homosexual predator, but nothing was done about it, and the man was allowed to continue in his position and have access to young boys.

      Incidents such as these are increasing at an alarming rate. Parents need to start paying attention and realize that the sodomites have designs on our children. The only way to stop this is to stop letting others do our parenting, and be good parents ourselves so that our children will believe us when we tell them who to watch out for. The sodomites understand all too well that most parents are horribly flawed and have lost the trust of their children. Others are too busy to care. So, the sodomites present themselves as the perfect citizens: more understanding, more loving, and more together than we. Most children will listen to their teachers quicker than they will listen to their parents.

      If we would do our jobs as parents and love our children and teach them right from wrong from a biblical perspective, and walk the walk rather than tell our children “Do as I say, not as I do,” then our children would trust our judgment and learn from us how to discern when someone is not quite right. But if we are not living right and thus don’t have the discernment ourselves, or have lost the trust of our children, how can we ever teach them? This ought not to be.

      Moreover, parents have got to stop being politically correct. Homosexuality is a perverted sin and an offense to God and a menace to society, and we have got to put ourselves in the position in our children’s lives to be able to tell them this, without them thinking that we’re judgmental and bigoted. The only way to do this is to bring them up on the Word of God and live it ourselves so they we don’t compromise our authority as parents.

  2. I am so very disappointed that a christian can be so ignorant. The actions of one man have caused you to paint all of us as pedofiles that you somehow have to protect your children from. I do hope you don’t allow your children to attend church or become altar boys/girls as well, given the evidence of the last 30 years they are far more likely to run into a pedofile in church than in scouting.

    • Jamie, I’m going to give you that one. It is going on in a lot more places than the Scouts. I should not have singled them out. What I meant to say was that we as parents need to keep an eye on our children and not trust them to just anyone. I will change my remark to reflect that.

  3. I feel sorry for your son, that you will not allow him to participate in such a wonderful experience. Two Deep Leadership means more than just having 2 adults at a camp for example. It means never being alone with the youth, you always have at least one other adult with you at all times, whether in your meeting hall, on a field trip, a hike or any activity, PERIOD. Any leader not following this policy should be reported immediately. Thank you for painting all leaders with the same brush.

    Your in Christ,

    Paul, 15yr Scout Leader, and father of 2 Rovers and a Venturer, who all started at the age of 5 in Beavers.

    • Thank you, Paul, for your comment. Two Deep Leadership is a nice attempt to rectify a spiritual problem, but it is inherently flawed. What, for example, do you do when both leaders with a particular child are pedophiles? I’m not trying to shoot holes in the program, Paul. You seem to be a responsible, moral person, and you like the program so much that you have become personally involved by becoming a Scout Leader yourself, and for that I applaud you. Unfortunately, there are a growing number of men who are not made of the same moral stuff that you are, and those men are destroying what began as an outstanding institution.

      Incidents of pedophilia have increased exponentially in the last few years, and there seems to be no end in sight. These depraved people have designs on our children and have stated this openly. Get the booklet, Hot Topics, by Jack Chick for some sobering statistics. One only need look to the story of Lot in Genesis and the sojourner and his concubine in Judges 19 to see that sodomites are depraved people. Did you notice that two of the four men who had been molested by Turley were effeminate? This is how they multiply. It is a known fact that many who are molested become molesters themselves, as even Turley was. This is what concerns me.

      I know that those who commit these heinous assaults on our children don’t represent the whole of scouting; unfortunately, they get a lot more press than individuals like yourself.

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